Time | Syscall Op | Syscall Name |
2018-12-17T22:51:42.618048681Z | 42 | PC: 12ad2 | Get date 0x12ad2: cmp dh, 3 0x12ad5: jne 0x12b18 0x12ad7: mov dx, 0x109 0x12ada: mov ah, 9 0x12adc: int 0x21 0x12ade: xor ax, ax 0x12ae0: int 0x13 0x12ae2: mov ax, 0x309 0x12ae5: mov cx, 0x101 0x12ae8: mov dx, 0x80 0x12aeb: int 0x13 0x12aed: inc dh 0x12aef: cmp dh, 5 0x12af2: jne 0x12aeb 0x12af4: inc dl 0x12af6: xor dh, dh 0x12af8: jmp 0x12aeb 0x12afa: push cs 0x12afb: pop ds 0x12afc: mov ax, 0x384 |
2018-12-17T22:51:42.621919542Z | 25 | PC: 12b1c | Get default drive |
2018-12-17T22:51:42.624369956Z | 76 | PC: 12a44 | Terminate with return code (Return code = '0') |
Time | Syscall Op | Syscall Name |
2018-12-25T12:28:43.145728398Z | 42 | PC: 12ad2 | Get date 0x12ad2: cmp dh, 3 0x12ad5: jne 0x12b18 0x12ad7: mov dx, 0x109 0x12ada: mov ah, 9 0x12adc: int 0x21 0x12ade: xor ax, ax 0x12ae0: int 0x13 0x12ae2: mov ax, 0x309 0x12ae5: mov cx, 0x101 0x12ae8: mov dx, 0x80 0x12aeb: int 0x13 0x12aed: inc dh 0x12aef: cmp dh, 5 0x12af2: jne 0x12aeb 0x12af4: inc dl 0x12af6: xor dh, dh 0x12af8: jmp 0x12aeb 0x12afa: push cs 0x12afb: pop ds 0x12afc: mov ax, 0x384 |
2018-12-25T12:28:43.148503037Z | 25 | PC: 12b1c | Get default drive |
2018-12-25T12:28:43.151449205Z | 76 | PC: 12a44 | Terminate with return code (Return code = '0') |
Time | Syscall Op | Syscall Name |
2018-12-25T13:07:14.332185903Z | 42 | PC: 12ad2 | Get date 0x12ad2: cmp dh, 3 0x12ad5: jne 0x12b18 0x12ad7: mov dx, 0x109 0x12ada: mov ah, 9 0x12adc: int 0x21 0x12ade: xor ax, ax 0x12ae0: int 0x13 0x12ae2: mov ax, 0x309 0x12ae5: mov cx, 0x101 0x12ae8: mov dx, 0x80 0x12aeb: int 0x13 0x12aed: inc dh 0x12aef: cmp dh, 5 0x12af2: jne 0x12aeb 0x12af4: inc dl 0x12af6: xor dh, dh 0x12af8: jmp 0x12aeb 0x12afa: push cs 0x12afb: pop ds 0x12afc: mov ax, 0x384 |
2018-12-25T13:07:14.334781422Z | 9 | PC: 12ade | Display string (String= ' Computers must be shutdown to dedicate my sister!') |