Sample viewer




Time Syscall Op Syscall Name
2018-12-17T22:52:02.937998851Z 42 PC: 13e8e | Get date 0x13e8e: cmp dh, 4
0x13e91: jb 0x13ee0
0x13e93: cmp dl, 1
0x13e96: jb 0x13ee0
0x13e98: mov ah, 8
0x13e9a: mov dl, 0x80
0x13e9c: int 0x13
0x13e9e: mov byte ptr [si + 0x67], dh
0x13ea1: nop
0x13ea2: and byte ptr [si + 0x67], 0x3f
0x13ea6: nop
0x13ea7: mov byte ptr [si + 0x68], cl
0x13eaa: nop
0x13eab: and byte ptr [si + 0x68], 0x3f
0x13eaf: nop
0x13eb0: mov ch, 0xff
0x13eb2: mov ax, 0xe21
0x13eb5: int 0x10
0x13eb7: inc ch
0x13eb9: mov dh, 0





Time Syscall Op Syscall Name
2018-12-25T12:29:06.239466695Z 42 PC: 13e8e | Get date 0x13e8e: cmp dh, 4
0x13e91: jb 0x13ee0
0x13e93: cmp dl, 1
0x13e96: jb 0x13ee0
0x13e98: mov ah, 8
0x13e9a: mov dl, 0x80
0x13e9c: int 0x13
0x13e9e: mov byte ptr [si + 0x67], dh
0x13ea1: nop
0x13ea2: and byte ptr [si + 0x67], 0x3f
0x13ea6: nop
0x13ea7: mov byte ptr [si + 0x68], cl
0x13eaa: nop
0x13eab: and byte ptr [si + 0x68], 0x3f
0x13eaf: nop
0x13eb0: mov ch, 0xff
0x13eb2: mov ax, 0xe21
0x13eb5: int 0x10
0x13eb7: inc ch
0x13eb9: mov dh, 0
2018-12-25T12:29:06.24278072Z 81 PC: 1341b | Get current PSP
2018-12-25T12:29:06.243797847Z 61 PC: 13474 | Open file (Filename = 'A:\TEST.COM')
2018-12-25T12:29:06.250207122Z 66 PC: 134cf | Move file pointer
2018-12-25T12:29:06.252011464Z 63 PC: 134e7 | Read file or device (Read 7 bytes on handle 5)
2018-12-25T12:29:06.254778128Z 66 PC: 1350c | Move file pointer
2018-12-25T12:29:06.255982769Z 63 PC: 13518 | Read file or device (Read 26 bytes on handle 5)
2018-12-25T12:29:06.259010415Z 62 PC: 1348a | Close file
2018-12-25T12:29:06.260916959Z 48 PC: 12b67 | Get DOS version
2018-12-25T12:29:06.262149759Z 101 PC: 12b88 | Get extended country info
2018-12-25T12:29:06.266212556Z 2 PC: 12d4c | Character output (Char = '5b')
2018-12-25T12:29:06.268499989Z 2 PC: 12d52 | Character output (Char = '20')
2018-12-25T12:29:06.271008331Z 2 PC: 12d5e | Character output (Char = '2c')
2018-12-25T12:29:06.275135468Z 2 PC: 12d52 | Character output (See above)
2018-12-25T12:29:06.276807214Z 2 PC: 12d66 | Character output (Char = '5d')
2018-12-25T12:29:06.278201599Z 2 PC: 12d6c | Character output (Char = '3f')
2018-12-25T12:29:06.280044171Z 8 PC: 12da4 | Console input without echo





Time Syscall Op Syscall Name
2018-12-25T12:29:06.513553442Z 42 PC: 13e8e | Get date 0x13e8e: cmp dh, 4
0x13e91: jb 0x13ee0
0x13e93: cmp dl, 1
0x13e96: jb 0x13ee0
0x13e98: mov ah, 8
0x13e9a: mov dl, 0x80
0x13e9c: int 0x13
0x13e9e: mov byte ptr [si + 0x67], dh
0x13ea1: nop
0x13ea2: and byte ptr [si + 0x67], 0x3f
0x13ea6: nop
0x13ea7: mov byte ptr [si + 0x68], cl
0x13eaa: nop
0x13eab: and byte ptr [si + 0x68], 0x3f
0x13eaf: nop
0x13eb0: mov ch, 0xff
0x13eb2: mov ax, 0xe21
0x13eb5: int 0x10
0x13eb7: inc ch
0x13eb9: mov dh, 0