Sample viewer




Time Syscall Op Syscall Name
2018-12-17T22:57:48.360435801Z 42 PC: 12b00 | Get date 0x12b00: cmp dh, 0xb
0x12b03: jne 0x12b11
0x12b05: cmp dl, 0x1c
0x12b08: jne 0x12b11
0x12b0a: mov cx, cx
0x12b0c: call 0x12cee
0x12b0f: mov ch, ch
0x12b11: mov bh, bh
0x12b13: mov bl, bl
0x12b15: push cs
0x12b16: pop es
0x12b17: mov si, si
0x12b19: mov si, 0x14a
0x12b1c: add ax, 0
0x12b1f: cmp word ptr [bp + si + 1], 0x414c
0x12b24: jne 0x12b36
0x12b26: mov ah, 0xb9
0x12b28: mov di, di
0x12b2a: int 0x21
0x12b2c: cmp ah, 0xb9
2018-12-17T22:57:48.363698217Z 185 PC: 12b2c | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-17T22:57:48.365317827Z 74 PC: 12b90 | Reallocate memory
2018-12-17T22:57:48.366910907Z 53 PC: 12b9f | Get interrupt vector (Interrupt = '33' AKA 'Random read')
2018-12-17T22:57:48.373397437Z 37 PC: 12bc3 | Set interrupt vector (Interrupt = '33' AKA 'Random read')
2018-12-17T22:57:48.374649228Z 75 PC: 12c72 | Execute program
2018-12-17T22:57:48.388378349Z 42 PC: 13360 | Get date 0x13360: cmp dh, 0xb
0x13363: jne 0x13371
0x13365: cmp dl, 0x1c
0x13368: jne 0x13371
0x1336a: mov cx, cx
0x1336c: call 0x1354e
0x1336f: mov ch, ch
0x13371: mov bh, bh
0x13373: mov bl, bl
0x13375: push cs
0x13376: pop es
0x13377: mov si, si
0x13379: mov si, 0x14a
0x1337c: add ax, 0
0x1337f: cmp word ptr [bp + si + 1], 0x414c
0x13384: jne 0x13396
0x13386: mov ah, 0xb9
0x13388: mov di, di
0x1338a: int 0x21
0x1338c: cmp ah, 0xb9
2018-12-17T22:57:48.391206687Z 76 PC: 132a4 | Terminate with return code (Return code = '1')
2018-12-17T22:57:48.394207702Z 73 PC: 12c9d | Release memory
2018-12-17T22:57:48.395477835Z 49 PC: 12ca9 | Terminate and stay resident (Return code = '1' | Memory size = '128')





Time Syscall Op Syscall Name
2018-12-25T12:35:58.232818906Z 42 PC: 12b00 | Get date 0x12b00: cmp dh, 0xb
0x12b03: jne 0x12b11
0x12b05: cmp dl, 0x1c
0x12b08: jne 0x12b11
0x12b0a: mov cx, cx
0x12b0c: call 0x12cee
0x12b0f: mov ch, ch
0x12b11: mov bh, bh
0x12b13: mov bl, bl
0x12b15: push cs
0x12b16: pop es
0x12b17: mov si, si
0x12b19: mov si, 0x14a
0x12b1c: add ax, 0
0x12b1f: cmp word ptr [bp + si + 1], 0x414c
0x12b24: jne 0x12b36
0x12b26: mov ah, 0xb9
0x12b28: mov di, di
0x12b2a: int 0x21
0x12b2c: cmp ah, 0xb9
2018-12-25T12:35:58.235119317Z 185 PC: 12b2c | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-25T12:35:58.236407677Z 74 PC: 12b90 | Reallocate memory
2018-12-25T12:35:58.237862866Z 53 PC: 12b9f | Get interrupt vector (Interrupt = '33' AKA 'Random read')
2018-12-25T12:35:58.239636398Z 37 PC: 12bc3 | Set interrupt vector (Interrupt = '33' AKA 'Random read')
2018-12-25T12:35:58.240848374Z 75 PC: 12c72 | Execute program
2018-12-25T12:35:58.786699566Z 42 PC: 13360 | Get date 0x13360: cmp dh, 0xb
0x13363: jne 0x13371
0x13365: cmp dl, 0x1c
0x13368: jne 0x13371
0x1336a: mov cx, cx
0x1336c: call 0x1354e
0x1336f: mov ch, ch
0x13371: mov bh, bh
0x13373: mov bl, bl
0x13375: push cs
0x13376: pop es
0x13377: mov si, si
0x13379: mov si, 0x14a
0x1337c: add ax, 0
0x1337f: cmp word ptr [bp + si + 1], 0x414c
0x13384: jne 0x13396
0x13386: mov ah, 0xb9
0x13388: mov di, di
0x1338a: int 0x21
0x1338c: cmp ah, 0xb9
2018-12-25T12:35:58.789684174Z 76 PC: 132a4 | Terminate with return code (Return code = '2')
2018-12-25T12:35:58.793639863Z 73 PC: 12c9d | Release memory
2018-12-25T12:35:58.794985909Z 49 PC: 12ca9 | Terminate and stay resident (Return code = '1' | Memory size = '128')





Time Syscall Op Syscall Name
2018-12-25T12:35:58.498718691Z 42 PC: 12b00 | Get date 0x12b00: cmp dh, 0xb
0x12b03: jne 0x12b11
0x12b05: cmp dl, 0x1c
0x12b08: jne 0x12b11
0x12b0a: mov cx, cx
0x12b0c: call 0x12cee
0x12b0f: mov ch, ch
0x12b11: mov bh, bh
0x12b13: mov bl, bl
0x12b15: push cs
0x12b16: pop es
0x12b17: mov si, si
0x12b19: mov si, 0x14a
0x12b1c: add ax, 0
0x12b1f: cmp word ptr [bp + si + 1], 0x414c
0x12b24: jne 0x12b36
0x12b26: mov ah, 0xb9
0x12b28: mov di, di
0x12b2a: int 0x21
0x12b2c: cmp ah, 0xb9
2018-12-25T12:35:58.500953863Z 185 PC: 12b2c | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-25T12:35:58.502400542Z 74 PC: 12b90 | Reallocate memory
2018-12-25T12:35:58.503885946Z 53 PC: 12b9f | Get interrupt vector (Interrupt = '33' AKA 'Random read')
2018-12-25T12:35:58.50557621Z 37 PC: 12bc3 | Set interrupt vector (Interrupt = '33' AKA 'Random read')
2018-12-25T12:35:58.507594455Z 75 PC: 12c72 | Execute program
2018-12-25T12:35:59.053384301Z 42 PC: 13360 | Get date 0x13360: cmp dh, 0xb
0x13363: jne 0x13371
0x13365: cmp dl, 0x1c
0x13368: jne 0x13371
0x1336a: mov cx, cx
0x1336c: call 0x1354e
0x1336f: mov ch, ch
0x13371: mov bh, bh
0x13373: mov bl, bl
0x13375: push cs
0x13376: pop es
0x13377: mov si, si
0x13379: mov si, 0x14a
0x1337c: add ax, 0
0x1337f: cmp word ptr [bp + si + 1], 0x414c
0x13384: jne 0x13396
0x13386: mov ah, 0xb9
0x13388: mov di, di
0x1338a: int 0x21
0x1338c: cmp ah, 0xb9
2018-12-25T12:35:59.056359546Z 76 PC: 132a4 | Terminate with return code (Return code = '6')
2018-12-25T12:35:59.072904669Z 73 PC: 12c9d | Release memory
2018-12-25T12:35:59.074042693Z 49 PC: 12ca9 | Terminate and stay resident (Return code = '1' | Memory size = '128')





Time Syscall Op Syscall Name
2018-12-25T12:35:58.566622431Z 42 PC: 12b00 | Get date 0x12b00: cmp dh, 0xb
0x12b03: jne 0x12b11
0x12b05: cmp dl, 0x1c
0x12b08: jne 0x12b11
0x12b0a: mov cx, cx
0x12b0c: call 0x12cee
0x12b0f: mov ch, ch
0x12b11: mov bh, bh
0x12b13: mov bl, bl
0x12b15: push cs
0x12b16: pop es
0x12b17: mov si, si
0x12b19: mov si, 0x14a
0x12b1c: add ax, 0
0x12b1f: cmp word ptr [bp + si + 1], 0x414c
0x12b24: jne 0x12b36
0x12b26: mov ah, 0xb9
0x12b28: mov di, di
0x12b2a: int 0x21
0x12b2c: cmp ah, 0xb9
2018-12-25T12:35:58.569161262Z 9 PC: 12cf5 | Display string (String= 'Cough Cough Cough Cough Ch')
2018-12-25T12:35:58.572382585Z 185 PC: 12b2c | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-25T12:35:58.573873019Z 74 PC: 12b90 | Reallocate memory
2018-12-25T12:35:58.575330039Z 53 PC: 12b9f | Get interrupt vector (Interrupt = '33' AKA 'Random read')
2018-12-25T12:35:58.57750028Z 37 PC: 12bc3 | Set interrupt vector (Interrupt = '33' AKA 'Random read')
2018-12-25T12:35:58.579071602Z 75 PC: 12c72 | Execute program
2018-12-25T12:35:59.121346139Z 42 PC: 13360 | Get date 0x13360: cmp dh, 0xb
0x13363: jne 0x13371
0x13365: cmp dl, 0x1c
0x13368: jne 0x13371
0x1336a: mov cx, cx
0x1336c: call 0x1354e
0x1336f: mov ch, ch
0x13371: mov bh, bh
0x13373: mov bl, bl
0x13375: push cs
0x13376: pop es
0x13377: mov si, si
0x13379: mov si, 0x14a
0x1337c: add ax, 0
0x1337f: cmp word ptr [bp + si + 1], 0x414c
0x13384: jne 0x13396
0x13386: mov ah, 0xb9
0x13388: mov di, di
0x1338a: int 0x21
0x1338c: cmp ah, 0xb9
2018-12-25T12:35:59.136370873Z 9 PC: 13555 | Display string (String= 'Cough Cough Cough Cough Ch')
2018-12-25T12:35:59.142802133Z 76 PC: 132a4 | Terminate with return code (Return code = '36')
2018-12-25T12:35:59.146613237Z 73 PC: 12c9d | Release memory
2018-12-25T12:35:59.149124817Z 49 PC: 12ca9 | Terminate and stay resident (Return code = '1' | Memory size = '128')





Time Syscall Op Syscall Name
2018-12-25T12:35:58.582698972Z 42 PC: 12b00 | Get date 0x12b00: cmp dh, 0xb
0x12b03: jne 0x12b11
0x12b05: cmp dl, 0x1c
0x12b08: jne 0x12b11
0x12b0a: mov cx, cx
0x12b0c: call 0x12cee
0x12b0f: mov ch, ch
0x12b11: mov bh, bh
0x12b13: mov bl, bl
0x12b15: push cs
0x12b16: pop es
0x12b17: mov si, si
0x12b19: mov si, 0x14a
0x12b1c: add ax, 0
0x12b1f: cmp word ptr [bp + si + 1], 0x414c
0x12b24: jne 0x12b36
0x12b26: mov ah, 0xb9
0x12b28: mov di, di
0x12b2a: int 0x21
0x12b2c: cmp ah, 0xb9
2018-12-25T12:35:58.585218242Z 185 PC: 12b2c | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-25T12:35:58.586964391Z 74 PC: 12b90 | Reallocate memory
2018-12-25T12:35:58.588264901Z 53 PC: 12b9f | Get interrupt vector (Interrupt = '33' AKA 'Random read')
2018-12-25T12:35:58.589386306Z 37 PC: 12bc3 | Set interrupt vector (Interrupt = '33' AKA 'Random read')
2018-12-25T12:35:58.59155561Z 75 PC: 12c72 | Execute program
2018-12-25T12:35:59.137167379Z 42 PC: 13360 | Get date 0x13360: cmp dh, 0xb
0x13363: jne 0x13371
0x13365: cmp dl, 0x1c
0x13368: jne 0x13371
0x1336a: mov cx, cx
0x1336c: call 0x1354e
0x1336f: mov ch, ch
0x13371: mov bh, bh
0x13373: mov bl, bl
0x13375: push cs
0x13376: pop es
0x13377: mov si, si
0x13379: mov si, 0x14a
0x1337c: add ax, 0
0x1337f: cmp word ptr [bp + si + 1], 0x414c
0x13384: jne 0x13396
0x13386: mov ah, 0xb9
0x13388: mov di, di
0x1338a: int 0x21
0x1338c: cmp ah, 0xb9
2018-12-25T12:35:59.139795256Z 76 PC: 132a4 | Terminate with return code (Return code = '2')
2018-12-25T12:35:59.143856544Z 73 PC: 12c9d | Release memory
2018-12-25T12:35:59.145414161Z 49 PC: 12ca9 | Terminate and stay resident (Return code = '1' | Memory size = '128')





Time Syscall Op Syscall Name
2018-12-25T12:35:58.613421632Z 42 PC: 12b00 | Get date 0x12b00: cmp dh, 0xb
0x12b03: jne 0x12b11
0x12b05: cmp dl, 0x1c
0x12b08: jne 0x12b11
0x12b0a: mov cx, cx
0x12b0c: call 0x12cee
0x12b0f: mov ch, ch
0x12b11: mov bh, bh
0x12b13: mov bl, bl
0x12b15: push cs
0x12b16: pop es
0x12b17: mov si, si
0x12b19: mov si, 0x14a
0x12b1c: add ax, 0
0x12b1f: cmp word ptr [bp + si + 1], 0x414c
0x12b24: jne 0x12b36
0x12b26: mov ah, 0xb9
0x12b28: mov di, di
0x12b2a: int 0x21
0x12b2c: cmp ah, 0xb9
2018-12-25T12:35:58.617013362Z 185 PC: 12b2c | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-25T12:35:58.618602336Z 74 PC: 12b90 | Reallocate memory
2018-12-25T12:35:58.620232139Z 53 PC: 12b9f | Get interrupt vector (Interrupt = '33' AKA 'Random read')
2018-12-25T12:35:58.622143464Z 37 PC: 12bc3 | Set interrupt vector (Interrupt = '33' AKA 'Random read')
2018-12-25T12:35:58.623609589Z 75 PC: 12c72 | Execute program
2018-12-25T12:35:59.167920385Z 42 PC: 13360 | Get date 0x13360: cmp dh, 0xb
0x13363: jne 0x13371
0x13365: cmp dl, 0x1c
0x13368: jne 0x13371
0x1336a: mov cx, cx
0x1336c: call 0x1354e
0x1336f: mov ch, ch
0x13371: mov bh, bh
0x13373: mov bl, bl
0x13375: push cs
0x13376: pop es
0x13377: mov si, si
0x13379: mov si, 0x14a
0x1337c: add ax, 0
0x1337f: cmp word ptr [bp + si + 1], 0x414c
0x13384: jne 0x13396
0x13386: mov ah, 0xb9
0x13388: mov di, di
0x1338a: int 0x21
0x1338c: cmp ah, 0xb9
2018-12-25T12:35:59.171312928Z 76 PC: 132a4 | Terminate with return code (Return code = '6')
2018-12-25T12:35:59.17617515Z 73 PC: 12c9d | Release memory
2018-12-25T12:35:59.178052248Z 49 PC: 12ca9 | Terminate and stay resident (Return code = '1' | Memory size = '128')





Time Syscall Op Syscall Name
2018-12-25T12:35:58.595230815Z 42 PC: 12b00 | Get date 0x12b00: cmp dh, 0xb
0x12b03: jne 0x12b11
0x12b05: cmp dl, 0x1c
0x12b08: jne 0x12b11
0x12b0a: mov cx, cx
0x12b0c: call 0x12cee
0x12b0f: mov ch, ch
0x12b11: mov bh, bh
0x12b13: mov bl, bl
0x12b15: push cs
0x12b16: pop es
0x12b17: mov si, si
0x12b19: mov si, 0x14a
0x12b1c: add ax, 0
0x12b1f: cmp word ptr [bp + si + 1], 0x414c
0x12b24: jne 0x12b36
0x12b26: mov ah, 0xb9
0x12b28: mov di, di
0x12b2a: int 0x21
0x12b2c: cmp ah, 0xb9
2018-12-25T12:35:58.598054383Z 9 PC: 12cf5 | Display string (String= 'Cough Cough Cough Cough Ch')
2018-12-25T12:35:58.600593687Z 185 PC: 12b2c | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-25T12:35:58.602018968Z 74 PC: 12b90 | Reallocate memory
2018-12-25T12:35:58.603683205Z 53 PC: 12b9f | Get interrupt vector (Interrupt = '33' AKA 'Random read')
2018-12-25T12:35:58.605253301Z 37 PC: 12bc3 | Set interrupt vector (Interrupt = '33' AKA 'Random read')
2018-12-25T12:35:58.60654502Z 75 PC: 12c72 | Execute program
2018-12-25T12:35:59.148631784Z 42 PC: 13360 | Get date 0x13360: cmp dh, 0xb
0x13363: jne 0x13371
0x13365: cmp dl, 0x1c
0x13368: jne 0x13371
0x1336a: mov cx, cx
0x1336c: call 0x1354e
0x1336f: mov ch, ch
0x13371: mov bh, bh
0x13373: mov bl, bl
0x13375: push cs
0x13376: pop es
0x13377: mov si, si
0x13379: mov si, 0x14a
0x1337c: add ax, 0
0x1337f: cmp word ptr [bp + si + 1], 0x414c
0x13384: jne 0x13396
0x13386: mov ah, 0xb9
0x13388: mov di, di
0x1338a: int 0x21
0x1338c: cmp ah, 0xb9
2018-12-25T12:35:59.151321498Z 9 PC: 13555 | Display string (String= 'Cough Cough Cough Cough Ch')
2018-12-25T12:35:59.155861801Z 76 PC: 132a4 | Terminate with return code (Return code = '36')
2018-12-25T12:35:59.159070952Z 73 PC: 12c9d | Release memory
2018-12-25T12:35:59.167171304Z 49 PC: 12ca9 | Terminate and stay resident (Return code = '1' | Memory size = '128')





Time Syscall Op Syscall Name
2018-12-25T12:35:58.663419073Z 42 PC: 12b00 | Get date 0x12b00: cmp dh, 0xb
0x12b03: jne 0x12b11
0x12b05: cmp dl, 0x1c
0x12b08: jne 0x12b11
0x12b0a: mov cx, cx
0x12b0c: call 0x12cee
0x12b0f: mov ch, ch
0x12b11: mov bh, bh
0x12b13: mov bl, bl
0x12b15: push cs
0x12b16: pop es
0x12b17: mov si, si
0x12b19: mov si, 0x14a
0x12b1c: add ax, 0
0x12b1f: cmp word ptr [bp + si + 1], 0x414c
0x12b24: jne 0x12b36
0x12b26: mov ah, 0xb9
0x12b28: mov di, di
0x12b2a: int 0x21
0x12b2c: cmp ah, 0xb9
2018-12-25T12:35:58.666562368Z 185 PC: 12b2c | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-25T12:35:58.668225392Z 74 PC: 12b90 | Reallocate memory
2018-12-25T12:35:58.669835614Z 53 PC: 12b9f | Get interrupt vector (Interrupt = '33' AKA 'Random read')
2018-12-25T12:35:58.671701898Z 37 PC: 12bc3 | Set interrupt vector (Interrupt = '33' AKA 'Random read')
2018-12-25T12:35:58.673111922Z 75 PC: 12c72 | Execute program
2018-12-25T12:35:59.217679523Z 42 PC: 13360 | Get date 0x13360: cmp dh, 0xb
0x13363: jne 0x13371
0x13365: cmp dl, 0x1c
0x13368: jne 0x13371
0x1336a: mov cx, cx
0x1336c: call 0x1354e
0x1336f: mov ch, ch
0x13371: mov bh, bh
0x13373: mov bl, bl
0x13375: push cs
0x13376: pop es
0x13377: mov si, si
0x13379: mov si, 0x14a
0x1337c: add ax, 0
0x1337f: cmp word ptr [bp + si + 1], 0x414c
0x13384: jne 0x13396
0x13386: mov ah, 0xb9
0x13388: mov di, di
0x1338a: int 0x21
0x1338c: cmp ah, 0xb9
2018-12-25T12:35:59.220672538Z 76 PC: 132a4 | Terminate with return code (Return code = '2')
2018-12-25T12:35:59.228186684Z 73 PC: 12c9d | Release memory
2018-12-25T12:35:59.229713221Z 49 PC: 12ca9 | Terminate and stay resident (Return code = '1' | Memory size = '128')





Time Syscall Op Syscall Name
2018-12-25T12:35:58.653593396Z 42 PC: 12b00 | Get date 0x12b00: cmp dh, 0xb
0x12b03: jne 0x12b11
0x12b05: cmp dl, 0x1c
0x12b08: jne 0x12b11
0x12b0a: mov cx, cx
0x12b0c: call 0x12cee
0x12b0f: mov ch, ch
0x12b11: mov bh, bh
0x12b13: mov bl, bl
0x12b15: push cs
0x12b16: pop es
0x12b17: mov si, si
0x12b19: mov si, 0x14a
0x12b1c: add ax, 0
0x12b1f: cmp word ptr [bp + si + 1], 0x414c
0x12b24: jne 0x12b36
0x12b26: mov ah, 0xb9
0x12b28: mov di, di
0x12b2a: int 0x21
0x12b2c: cmp ah, 0xb9
2018-12-25T12:35:58.656627685Z 185 PC: 12b2c | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-25T12:35:58.65836546Z 74 PC: 12b90 | Reallocate memory
2018-12-25T12:35:58.660004381Z 53 PC: 12b9f | Get interrupt vector (Interrupt = '33' AKA 'Random read')
2018-12-25T12:35:58.661844336Z 37 PC: 12bc3 | Set interrupt vector (Interrupt = '33' AKA 'Random read')
2018-12-25T12:35:58.663572172Z 75 PC: 12c72 | Execute program
2018-12-25T12:35:59.208548706Z 42 PC: 13360 | Get date 0x13360: cmp dh, 0xb
0x13363: jne 0x13371
0x13365: cmp dl, 0x1c
0x13368: jne 0x13371
0x1336a: mov cx, cx
0x1336c: call 0x1354e
0x1336f: mov ch, ch
0x13371: mov bh, bh
0x13373: mov bl, bl
0x13375: push cs
0x13376: pop es
0x13377: mov si, si
0x13379: mov si, 0x14a
0x1337c: add ax, 0
0x1337f: cmp word ptr [bp + si + 1], 0x414c
0x13384: jne 0x13396
0x13386: mov ah, 0xb9
0x13388: mov di, di
0x1338a: int 0x21
0x1338c: cmp ah, 0xb9
2018-12-25T12:35:59.211148928Z 76 PC: 132a4 | Terminate with return code (Return code = '6')
2018-12-25T12:35:59.215131494Z 73 PC: 12c9d | Release memory
2018-12-25T12:35:59.216647093Z 49 PC: 12ca9 | Terminate and stay resident (Return code = '1' | Memory size = '128')





Time Syscall Op Syscall Name
2018-12-25T12:35:58.722362642Z 42 PC: 12b00 | Get date 0x12b00: cmp dh, 0xb
0x12b03: jne 0x12b11
0x12b05: cmp dl, 0x1c
0x12b08: jne 0x12b11
0x12b0a: mov cx, cx
0x12b0c: call 0x12cee
0x12b0f: mov ch, ch
0x12b11: mov bh, bh
0x12b13: mov bl, bl
0x12b15: push cs
0x12b16: pop es
0x12b17: mov si, si
0x12b19: mov si, 0x14a
0x12b1c: add ax, 0
0x12b1f: cmp word ptr [bp + si + 1], 0x414c
0x12b24: jne 0x12b36
0x12b26: mov ah, 0xb9
0x12b28: mov di, di
0x12b2a: int 0x21
0x12b2c: cmp ah, 0xb9
2018-12-25T12:35:58.726077417Z 9 PC: 12cf5 | Display string (String= 'Cough Cough Cough Cough Ch')
2018-12-25T12:35:58.729156675Z 185 PC: 12b2c | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-25T12:35:58.731294293Z 74 PC: 12b90 | Reallocate memory
2018-12-25T12:35:58.733959757Z 53 PC: 12b9f | Get interrupt vector (Interrupt = '33' AKA 'Random read')
2018-12-25T12:35:58.735308012Z 37 PC: 12bc3 | Set interrupt vector (Interrupt = '33' AKA 'Random read')
2018-12-25T12:35:58.736622721Z 75 PC: 12c72 | Execute program
2018-12-25T12:35:59.279028411Z 42 PC: 13360 | Get date 0x13360: cmp dh, 0xb
0x13363: jne 0x13371
0x13365: cmp dl, 0x1c
0x13368: jne 0x13371
0x1336a: mov cx, cx
0x1336c: call 0x1354e
0x1336f: mov ch, ch
0x13371: mov bh, bh
0x13373: mov bl, bl
0x13375: push cs
0x13376: pop es
0x13377: mov si, si
0x13379: mov si, 0x14a
0x1337c: add ax, 0
0x1337f: cmp word ptr [bp + si + 1], 0x414c
0x13384: jne 0x13396
0x13386: mov ah, 0xb9
0x13388: mov di, di
0x1338a: int 0x21
0x1338c: cmp ah, 0xb9
2018-12-25T12:35:59.281876441Z 9 PC: 13555 | Display string (String= 'Cough Cough Cough Cough Ch')
2018-12-25T12:35:59.286412477Z 76 PC: 132a4 | Terminate with return code (Return code = '36')
2018-12-25T12:35:59.289963612Z 73 PC: 12c9d | Release memory
2018-12-25T12:35:59.292082613Z 49 PC: 12ca9 | Terminate and stay resident (Return code = '1' | Memory size = '128')