Sample viewer




Time Syscall Op Syscall Name
2018-12-17T22:59:48.963542997Z 25 PC: 14f6d | Get default drive
2018-12-17T22:59:48.968286252Z 72 PC: 1507b | Allocate memory
2018-12-17T22:59:48.985402768Z 25 PC: 1512d | Get default drive
2018-12-17T22:59:49.008385591Z 44 PC: 153c7 | Get time 0x153c7: sti
0x153c8: xor byte ptr [bx], cl
0x153ca: xor byte ptr [bx], cl
0x153cc: jmp 0x153ce
0x153ce: dec cx
0x153cf: jne 0x153c8
0x153d1: adc dx, 0x2669
0x153d5: xchg di, si
0x153d7: xchg si, di
0x153d9: jge 0x153e6
0x153db: not dh
0x153dd: add ax, 0x252a
0x153e0: sub dl, cl
0x153e2: and bx, 0xbabe
0x153e6: js 0x153ef
0x153e8: dec cx
0x153e9: cmp cx, 0x1e06
0x153ed: dec cx
0x153ef: and cl, 0
0x153f2: sub al, al
2018-12-17T22:59:49.021403505Z 42 PC: 154f8 | Get date 0x154f8: add ax, 0x5c2e
0x154fb: rep lodsb al, byte ptr [si]
0x154fd: add ax, 0xb858
0x15500: mov dh, 0xe8
0x15503: test bx, 0xb7a
0x15507: sub si, si
0x15509: sub ax, ax
0x1550b: xchg si, si
0x1550d: neg bh
0x1550f: sub dl, dl
0x15511: add ax, 0xce3
0x15515: mov cl, 0x6b
0x15518: adc bh, 0x39
0x1551b: dec ah
0x1551d: neg al
0x1551f: mov al, cl
0x15521: xor al, 0x2c
0x15524: mov dh, 0xea
0x15527: dec ax
0x15529: mov cx, 0x206e