Sample viewer




Time Syscall Op Syscall Name
2018-12-17T23:02:19.443678263Z 222 PC: 171ce | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-17T23:02:19.446149662Z 44 PC: 1720f | Get time 0x1720f: in al, 0x40
0x17211: and al, 0x17
0x17213: cmp ch, al
0x17215: jne 0x17232
0x17217: mov ax, 0x1bd
0x1721a: sub ax, 0x103
0x1721d: mov bx, es
0x1721f: cli
0x17220: xchg word ptr [0x84], ax
0x17224: xchg word ptr [0x86], bx
0x17228: mov word ptr es:[0xda], ax
0x1722c: mov word ptr es:[0xdc], bx
0x17231: sti
0x17232: mov ax, 0x1e1
0x17235: sub ax, 0x103
0x17238: mov bx, es
0x1723a: cli
0x1723b: xchg word ptr [0x84], ax
0x1723f: xchg word ptr [0x86], bx
0x17243: mov word ptr es:[0x234], ax
2018-12-17T23:02:19.449768932Z 9 PC: 12a65 | Display string (String= 'd=g>j?m@pAsBvCyD|EF�G�H�I�J�K�L�M�N�O�P�Q�R�S�T�U�V�W�X�Y�Z�[�\�]�^�_�`�a�b�c�d�e�f�g�h�i�j�k�l�m�n�o�prst u vwxyz{|!}')
2018-12-17T23:02:19.455126194Z 48 PC: 12a69 | Get DOS version
2018-12-17T23:02:19.4580109Z 76 PC: 12a71 | Terminate with return code (Return code = '0')