Sample viewer




Time Syscall Op Syscall Name
2018-12-17T23:02:22.693947012Z 48 PC: 12b34 | Get DOS version
2018-12-17T23:02:22.695454289Z 73 PC: 12b46 | Release memory
2018-12-17T23:02:22.697281555Z 53 PC: 12b4d | Get interrupt vector (Interrupt = '33' AKA 'Random read')
2018-12-17T23:02:22.698351719Z 53 PC: 12b5a | Get interrupt vector (Interrupt = '16' AKA 'Close file')
2018-12-17T23:02:22.699905765Z 80 PC: 12b97 | Set current PSP
2018-12-17T23:02:22.701175108Z 37 PC: 12b2e | Set interrupt vector (Interrupt = '33' AKA 'Random read')
2018-12-17T23:02:22.70240845Z 37 PC: 12b36 | Set interrupt vector (Interrupt = '16' AKA 'Close file')
2018-12-17T23:02:22.704135865Z 26 PC: 12b3e | Set disk transfer address
2018-12-17T23:02:22.705696949Z 9 PC: 13147 | Display string (String= '(C) 1993 American Eagle Publications Inc., All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized use will be prosecuted under applicable copyright and software piracy laws. HOST #1 - You have just released a virus!')
2018-12-17T23:02:22.712895636Z 76 PC: 1314c | Terminate with return code (Return code = '0')