Sample viewer




Time Syscall Op Syscall Name
2018-12-17T23:04:52.813884376Z 37 PC: 12ac5 | Set interrupt vector (Interrupt = '3' AKA 'Auxiliary input')
2018-12-17T23:04:52.81559253Z 13 PC: 12acf | Disk reset
2018-12-17T23:04:52.81806587Z 61 PC: 12ad8 | Open file (Filename = 'šE')
2018-12-17T23:04:52.829286756Z 37 PC: 12ae2 | Set interrupt vector (Interrupt = '36' AKA 'Set random record number')
2018-12-17T23:04:52.830949961Z 63 PC: 12ae6 | Read file or device (Read 3583 bytes on handle 5)
2018-12-17T23:04:52.840683983Z 62 PC: 12ae9 | Close file
2018-12-17T23:04:52.843215981Z 61 PC: 12afc | Open file (Filename = '')
2018-12-17T23:04:52.851169583Z 64 PC: 12b19 | Write file or device (Write 512 bytes on handle 5)
2018-12-17T23:04:52.867412112Z 62 PC: 12b21 | Close file
2018-12-17T23:04:52.87595506Z 74 PC: 12b2b | Reallocate memory
2018-12-17T23:04:52.877885431Z 75 PC: 12b3f | Execute program
2018-12-17T23:04:52.894823541Z 76 PC: 15745 | Terminate with return code (Return code = '0')
2018-12-17T23:04:52.898233779Z 77 PC: 12b42 | Get program return code
2018-12-17T23:04:52.89978217Z 76 PC: 12b45 | Terminate with return code (Return code = '0')