Sample viewer




Time Syscall Op Syscall Name
2018-12-17T23:04:58.71683697Z 236 PC: 12f48 | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-17T23:04:58.71923456Z 53 PC: 13016 | Get interrupt vector (Interrupt = '33' AKA 'Random read')
2018-12-17T23:04:58.721267611Z 37 PC: 1302e | Set interrupt vector (Interrupt = '33' AKA 'Random read')
2018-12-17T23:04:58.723603069Z 9 PC: 12a47 | Display string (String= ' Little antivirus programm (c) 1993 II.A 1988 Please wait, searching memory for known viruses')
2018-12-17T23:04:58.73351336Z 9 PC: 12a52 | Display string (String= '.')
2018-12-17T23:04:58.794368886Z 9 PC: 12a52 | Display string (String= '.')
2018-12-17T23:04:58.855113233Z 9 PC: 12a52 | Display string (String= '.')
2018-12-17T23:04:58.910369267Z 9 PC: 12a52 | Display string (String= '.')
2018-12-17T23:04:58.966376405Z 9 PC: 12a52 | Display string (String= '.')
2018-12-17T23:04:59.033566658Z 9 PC: 12a52 | Display string (String= '.')
2018-12-17T23:04:59.093889534Z 9 PC: 12a52 | Display string (String= '.')
2018-12-17T23:04:59.15581636Z 9 PC: 12a52 | Display string (String= '.')
2018-12-17T23:04:59.216417162Z 9 PC: 12a52 | Display string (String= '.')
2018-12-17T23:04:59.276585498Z 9 PC: 12a52 | Display string (String= '.')
2018-12-17T23:04:59.338107543Z 9 PC: 12a75 | Display string (String= '... ok No viruses found in the memory... Best way: Install this programm to AUTOEXEC.BAT Thanx for using the BEST antivirus programm :-) CUL8R ')
2018-12-17T23:04:59.353182227Z 76 PC: 12a7a | Terminate with return code (Return code = '0')