Sample viewer




Time Syscall Op Syscall Name
2018-12-17T23:11:21.330596385Z 44 PC: 13302 | Get time 0x13302: mov al, byte ptr [bp + 0x16c]
0x13306: or al, al
0x13308: jne 0x1330d
0x1330a: jmp 0x133bf
0x1330d: push es
0x1330e: pushf
0x1330f: pop ax
0x13310: and ax, 0xfeff
0x13313: push ax
0x13314: popf
0x13315: xor ax, ax
0x13317: mov es, ax
0x13319: not word ptr es:[6]
0x1331e: mov ax, word ptr es:[0x80]
0x13322: mov word ptr cs:[bp + 0x1c9], ax
0x13327: mov ax, word ptr es:[0x82]
0x1332b: mov word ptr cs:[bp + 0x1cb], ax
0x13330: push cs
0x13331: pop ds
0x13332: lea ax, word ptr [bp + 0x1a4]
2018-12-17T23:11:21.33566094Z 254 PC: 133c4 | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-17T23:11:21.337020417Z 74 PC: 133e8 | Reallocate memory
2018-12-17T23:11:21.339021862Z 72 PC: 133ee | Allocate memory
2018-12-17T23:11:21.340853166Z 42 PC: 1343b | Get date 0x1343b: cmp dx, 0x80a
0x1343f: jne 0x1344d
0x13441: lea dx, word ptr [bp + 0x588]
0x13445: mov ah, 9
0x13447: int 0x21
0x13449: mov ah, 0x4c
0x1344b: int 0x21
0x1344d: pop cx
0x1344e: mov ax, cs
0x13450: cmp cx, ax
0x13452: jne 0x13463
0x13454: push cs
0x13455: push cs
0x13456: pop ds
0x13457: pop es
0x13458: lea si, word ptr [bp + 0x29d]
0x1345c: mov di, 0x100
0x1345f: push di
0x13460: movsw word ptr es:[di], word ptr [si]
0x13461: movsb byte ptr es:[di], byte ptr [si]
2018-12-17T23:11:21.344676787Z 9 PC: 12a86 | Display string (String= 'Goat file (COM/....). Size=00000834h/0000002100d bytes. ')
2018-12-17T23:11:21.35038311Z 48 PC: 12a8f | Get DOS version
2018-12-17T23:11:21.352006774Z 61 PC: 12b5c | Open file (Filename = '')
2018-12-17T23:11:21.360267801Z 93 PC: 12afe | File sharing functions
2018-12-17T23:11:21.362518694Z 9 PC: 12a86 | Display string (String= 'Size change=081Dh/02077d. ')
2018-12-17T23:11:21.367350752Z 76 PC: 12ae3 | Terminate with return code (Return code = '1')





Time Syscall Op Syscall Name
2018-12-25T12:55:05.154178245Z 44 PC: 13302 | Get time 0x13302: mov al, byte ptr [bp + 0x16c]
0x13306: or al, al
0x13308: jne 0x1330d
0x1330a: jmp 0x133bf
0x1330d: push es
0x1330e: pushf
0x1330f: pop ax
0x13310: and ax, 0xfeff
0x13313: push ax
0x13314: popf
0x13315: xor ax, ax
0x13317: mov es, ax
0x13319: not word ptr es:[6]
0x1331e: mov ax, word ptr es:[0x80]
0x13322: mov word ptr cs:[bp + 0x1c9], ax
0x13327: mov ax, word ptr es:[0x82]
0x1332b: mov word ptr cs:[bp + 0x1cb], ax
0x13330: push cs
0x13331: pop ds
0x13332: lea ax, word ptr [bp + 0x1a4]
2018-12-25T12:55:05.157379962Z 254 PC: 133c4 | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-25T12:55:05.158304034Z 74 PC: 133e8 | Reallocate memory
2018-12-25T12:55:05.15971095Z 72 PC: 133ee | Allocate memory
2018-12-25T12:55:05.161758435Z 42 PC: 1343b | Get date 0x1343b: cmp dx, 0x80a
0x1343f: jne 0x1344d
0x13441: lea dx, word ptr [bp + 0x588]
0x13445: mov ah, 9
0x13447: int 0x21
0x13449: mov ah, 0x4c
0x1344b: int 0x21
0x1344d: pop cx
0x1344e: mov ax, cs
0x13450: cmp cx, ax
0x13452: jne 0x13463
0x13454: push cs
0x13455: push cs
0x13456: pop ds
0x13457: pop es
0x13458: lea si, word ptr [bp + 0x29d]
0x1345c: mov di, 0x100
0x1345f: push di
0x13460: movsw word ptr es:[di], word ptr [si]
0x13461: movsb byte ptr es:[di], byte ptr [si]
2018-12-25T12:55:05.164546676Z 9 PC: 12a86 | Display string (String= 'Goat file (COM/....). Size=00000834h/0000002100d bytes. ')
2018-12-25T12:55:05.170587338Z 48 PC: 12a8f | Get DOS version
2018-12-25T12:55:05.171767883Z 61 PC: 12b5c | Open file (Filename = '')
2018-12-25T12:55:05.179751652Z 93 PC: 12afe | File sharing functions
2018-12-25T12:55:05.181710724Z 9 PC: 12a86 | Display string (See above)
2018-12-25T12:55:05.186229743Z 76 PC: 12ae3 | Terminate with return code (Return code = '1')





Time Syscall Op Syscall Name
2018-12-25T12:55:05.202188603Z 44 PC: 13302 | Get time 0x13302: mov al, byte ptr [bp + 0x16c]
0x13306: or al, al
0x13308: jne 0x1330d
0x1330a: jmp 0x133bf
0x1330d: push es
0x1330e: pushf
0x1330f: pop ax
0x13310: and ax, 0xfeff
0x13313: push ax
0x13314: popf
0x13315: xor ax, ax
0x13317: mov es, ax
0x13319: not word ptr es:[6]
0x1331e: mov ax, word ptr es:[0x80]
0x13322: mov word ptr cs:[bp + 0x1c9], ax
0x13327: mov ax, word ptr es:[0x82]
0x1332b: mov word ptr cs:[bp + 0x1cb], ax
0x13330: push cs
0x13331: pop ds
0x13332: lea ax, word ptr [bp + 0x1a4]
2018-12-25T12:55:05.207431047Z 254 PC: 133c4 | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-25T12:55:05.208780271Z 74 PC: 133e8 | Reallocate memory
2018-12-25T12:55:05.210356192Z 72 PC: 133ee | Allocate memory
2018-12-25T12:55:05.212257925Z 42 PC: 1343b | Get date 0x1343b: cmp dx, 0x80a
0x1343f: jne 0x1344d
0x13441: lea dx, word ptr [bp + 0x588]
0x13445: mov ah, 9
0x13447: int 0x21
0x13449: mov ah, 0x4c
0x1344b: int 0x21
0x1344d: pop cx
0x1344e: mov ax, cs
0x13450: cmp cx, ax
0x13452: jne 0x13463
0x13454: push cs
0x13455: push cs
0x13456: pop ds
0x13457: pop es
0x13458: lea si, word ptr [bp + 0x29d]
0x1345c: mov di, 0x100
0x1345f: push di
0x13460: movsw word ptr es:[di], word ptr [si]
0x13461: movsb byte ptr es:[di], byte ptr [si]
2018-12-25T12:55:05.217055934Z 9 PC: 13449 | Display string (String= 'Morphine-A virus0.3�.1pby Ren Ho�kBs.As.Argentina')
2018-12-25T12:55:05.224140508Z 76 PC: 1344d | Terminate with return code (Return code = '36')