Sample viewer




Time Syscall Op Syscall Name
2018-12-17T23:16:19.975387258Z 250 PC: 12bc7 | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-17T23:16:19.976386806Z 42 PC: 12bcf | Get date 0x12bcf: cmp dl, 1
0x12bd2: jne 0x12bda
0x12bd4: mov byte ptr cs:[bp + 0x68f], 1
0x12bda: mov ax, es
0x12bdc: dec ax
0x12bdd: mov ds, ax
0x12bdf: cmp byte ptr [0], 0x5a
0x12be4: jne 0x12c2b
0x12be6: sub word ptr [3], 0x180
0x12bec: sub word ptr [0x12], 0x180
0x12bf2: mov es, word ptr [0x12]
0x12bf6: push cs
0x12bf7: pop ds
0x12bf8: mov si, bp
0x12bfa: mov cx, 0x430
0x12bfd: xor di, di
0x12bff: rep movsd dword ptr es:[di], dword ptr [si]
0x12c01: xor ax, ax
0x12c03: mov ds, ax
0x12c05: push ds
2018-12-17T23:16:19.978779374Z 44 PC: 13003 | Get time 0x13003: ret
0x13004: and dh, bh
0x13006: and byte ptr [bx + si + 0x49], dl
0x13009: out dx, ax
0x1300a: push di
0x1300b: jmp 0x17d80
0x1300e: push word ptr [bp + 0x31]
0x13011: xor byte ptr cs:[bx + si], dh
0x13014: and byte ptr [di], ch
0x13016: and byte ptr [bp + di + 0x6f], al
0x13019: and byte ptr fs:[bp + si + 0x79], ah
0x1301f: and bl, bh
0x13021: imul si, word ptr [bp + si + 0x6f], 0x6567
0x13026: outsb dx, byte ptr [si]
0x13027: and byte ptr [bx + di + 0x6e], ch
0x1302a: and byte ptr [bx + di + 0x70], al
0x1302d: jb 0x13098
0x1302f: insb byte ptr es:[di], dx
0x13030: and byte ptr [bx + di], dh
0x13032: cmp word ptr [bx + di], di





Time Syscall Op Syscall Name
2018-12-25T12:56:39.325544322Z 250 PC: 12bc7 | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-25T12:56:39.326915477Z 42 PC: 12bcf | Get date 0x12bcf: cmp dl, 1
0x12bd2: jne 0x12bda
0x12bd4: mov byte ptr cs:[bp + 0x68f], 1
0x12bda: mov ax, es
0x12bdc: dec ax
0x12bdd: mov ds, ax
0x12bdf: cmp byte ptr [0], 0x5a
0x12be4: jne 0x12c2b
0x12be6: sub word ptr [3], 0x180
0x12bec: sub word ptr [0x12], 0x180
0x12bf2: mov es, word ptr [0x12]
0x12bf6: push cs
0x12bf7: pop ds
0x12bf8: mov si, bp
0x12bfa: mov cx, 0x430
0x12bfd: xor di, di
0x12bff: rep movsd dword ptr es:[di], dword ptr [si]
0x12c01: xor ax, ax
0x12c03: mov ds, ax
0x12c05: push ds
2018-12-25T12:56:39.329249933Z 44 PC: 13003 | Get time 0x13003: ret
0x13004: and dh, bh
0x13006: and byte ptr [bx + si + 0x49], dl
0x13009: out dx, ax
0x1300a: push di
0x1300b: jmp 0x17d80
0x1300e: push word ptr [bp + 0x31]
0x13011: xor byte ptr cs:[bx + si], dh
0x13014: and byte ptr [di], ch
0x13016: and byte ptr [bp + di + 0x6f], al
0x13019: and byte ptr fs:[bp + si + 0x79], ah
0x1301f: and bl, bh
0x13021: imul si, word ptr [bp + si + 0x6f], 0x6567
0x13026: outsb dx, byte ptr [si]
0x13027: and byte ptr [bx + di + 0x6e], ch
0x1302a: and byte ptr [bx + di + 0x70], al
0x1302d: jb 0x13098
0x1302f: insb byte ptr es:[di], dx
0x13030: and byte ptr [bx + di], dh
0x13032: cmp word ptr [bx + di], di





Time Syscall Op Syscall Name
2018-12-25T12:56:39.434923496Z 250 PC: 12bc7 | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-25T12:56:39.437369607Z 42 PC: 12bcf | Get date 0x12bcf: cmp dl, 1
0x12bd2: jne 0x12bda
0x12bd4: mov byte ptr cs:[bp + 0x68f], 1
0x12bda: mov ax, es
0x12bdc: dec ax
0x12bdd: mov ds, ax
0x12bdf: cmp byte ptr [0], 0x5a
0x12be4: jne 0x12c2b
0x12be6: sub word ptr [3], 0x180
0x12bec: sub word ptr [0x12], 0x180
0x12bf2: mov es, word ptr [0x12]
0x12bf6: push cs
0x12bf7: pop ds
0x12bf8: mov si, bp
0x12bfa: mov cx, 0x430
0x12bfd: xor di, di
0x12bff: rep movsd dword ptr es:[di], dword ptr [si]
0x12c01: xor ax, ax
0x12c03: mov ds, ax
0x12c05: push ds
2018-12-25T12:56:39.440037869Z 44 PC: 13003 | Get time 0x13003: ret
0x13004: and dh, bh
0x13006: and byte ptr [bx + si + 0x49], dl
0x13009: out dx, ax
0x1300a: push di
0x1300b: jmp 0x17d80
0x1300e: push word ptr [bp + 0x31]
0x13011: xor byte ptr cs:[bx + si], dh
0x13014: and byte ptr [di], ch
0x13016: and byte ptr [bp + di + 0x6f], al
0x13019: and byte ptr fs:[bp + si + 0x79], ah
0x1301f: and bl, bh
0x13021: imul si, word ptr [bp + si + 0x6f], 0x6567
0x13026: outsb dx, byte ptr [si]
0x13027: and byte ptr [bx + di + 0x6e], ch
0x1302a: and byte ptr [bx + di + 0x70], al
0x1302d: jb 0x13098
0x1302f: insb byte ptr es:[di], dx
0x13030: and byte ptr [bx + di], dh
0x13032: cmp word ptr [bx + di], di