Sample viewer




Time Syscall Op Syscall Name
2018-12-17T22:06:01.38289739Z 78 PC: 12a53 | Find first file
2018-12-17T22:06:01.389435545Z 61 PC: 12a5d | Open file (Filename = 'SLEEP.COM')
2018-12-17T22:06:01.395817601Z 63 PC: 12a69 | Read file or device (Read 142 bytes on handle 5)
2018-12-17T22:06:01.402243562Z 87 PC: 12a75 | Get or set file date and time
2018-12-17T22:06:01.403800905Z 66 PC: 12a80 | Move file pointer
2018-12-17T22:06:01.405495896Z 64 PC: 12a93 | Write file or device (Write 142 bytes on handle 5)
2018-12-17T22:06:01.419588534Z 66 PC: 12a9c | Move file pointer
2018-12-17T22:06:01.421246108Z 64 PC: 12aa4 | Write file or device (Write 142 bytes on handle 5)
2018-12-17T22:06:01.427373223Z 87 PC: 12aab | Get or set file date and time
2018-12-17T22:06:01.428858214Z 62 PC: 12aaf | Close file
2018-12-17T22:06:01.436729104Z 9 PC: 12a47 | Display string (String= '(C) 1993 American Eagle Publications Inc., All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized use will be prosecuted under applicable cop�"�@nd software piracy laws. HOST #1 - You have just released a virus!')
2018-12-17T22:06:01.444715365Z 76 PC: 12a4c | Terminate with return code (Return code = '0')