Sample viewer




Time Syscall Op Syscall Name
2018-12-17T22:11:03.036019945Z 42 PC: 12d2e | Get date 0x12d2e: cmp cx, 0x7cb
0x12d32: jb 0x12d52
0x12d34: cmp dl, dh
0x12d36: jne 0x12d52
0x12d38: and dl, 3
0x12d3b: cmp dl, 1
0x12d3e: jne 0x12d52
0x12d40: mov word ptr es:[0x4f4], 0xfeda
0x12d47: mov dx, 0x441
0x12d4a: mov ah, 9
0x12d4c: int 0x21
0x12d4e: pop es
0x12d4f: pop ax
0x12d50: jmp 0x12cef
0x12d52: pop es
0x12d53: ret
0x12d54: push es
0x12d55: mov ax, 0x3025
0x12d58: mov bx, 0x1073
0x12d5b: mov cx, 0xfeda
2018-12-17T22:11:03.046471149Z 48 PC: 12d60 | Get DOS version
2018-12-17T22:11:03.047555544Z 53 PC: 9f6df | Get interrupt vector (Interrupt = '33' AKA 'Random read')
2018-12-17T22:11:03.048538825Z 37 PC: 9f6ef | Set interrupt vector (Interrupt = '33' AKA 'Random read')
2018-12-17T22:11:03.050070542Z 9 PC: 12c22 | Display string (Could not find end pointer)
2018-12-17T22:11:03.053099004Z 76 PC: 12c28 | Terminate with return code (Return code = '0')





Time Syscall Op Syscall Name
2018-12-25T11:45:34.366421483Z 42 PC: 12d2e | Get date 0x12d2e: cmp cx, 0x7cb
0x12d32: jb 0x12d52
0x12d34: cmp dl, dh
0x12d36: jne 0x12d52
0x12d38: and dl, 3
0x12d3b: cmp dl, 1
0x12d3e: jne 0x12d52
0x12d40: mov word ptr es:[0x4f4], 0xfeda
0x12d47: mov dx, 0x441
0x12d4a: mov ah, 9
0x12d4c: int 0x21
0x12d4e: pop es
0x12d4f: pop ax
0x12d50: jmp 0x12cef
0x12d52: pop es
0x12d53: ret
0x12d54: push es
0x12d55: mov ax, 0x3025
0x12d58: mov bx, 0x1073
0x12d5b: mov cx, 0xfeda
2018-12-25T11:45:34.376760507Z 48 PC: 12d60 | Get DOS version
2018-12-25T11:45:34.377983237Z 53 PC: 9f6df | Get interrupt vector (Interrupt = '33' AKA 'Random read')
2018-12-25T11:45:34.379165393Z 37 PC: 9f6ef | Set interrupt vector (Interrupt = '33' AKA 'Random read')
2018-12-25T11:45:34.381182436Z 9 PC: 12c22 | Display string (Could not find end pointer)
2018-12-25T11:45:34.386384287Z 76 PC: 12c28 | Terminate with return code (Return code = '0')





Time Syscall Op Syscall Name
2018-12-25T11:45:34.455107431Z 42 PC: 12d2e | Get date 0x12d2e: cmp cx, 0x7cb
0x12d32: jb 0x12d52
0x12d34: cmp dl, dh
0x12d36: jne 0x12d52
0x12d38: and dl, 3
0x12d3b: cmp dl, 1
0x12d3e: jne 0x12d52
0x12d40: mov word ptr es:[0x4f4], 0xfeda
0x12d47: mov dx, 0x441
0x12d4a: mov ah, 9
0x12d4c: int 0x21
0x12d4e: pop es
0x12d4f: pop ax
0x12d50: jmp 0x12cef
0x12d52: pop es
0x12d53: ret
0x12d54: push es
0x12d55: mov ax, 0x3025
0x12d58: mov bx, 0x1073
0x12d5b: mov cx, 0xfeda
2018-12-25T11:45:34.458438665Z 9 PC: 12d4e | Display string (Could not find end pointer)
2018-12-25T11:45:34.468419376Z 9 PC: 12c22 | Display string (Could not find end pointer)
2018-12-25T11:45:34.474639919Z 76 PC: 12c28 | Terminate with return code (Return code = '0')





Time Syscall Op Syscall Name
2018-12-25T11:45:34.634506834Z 42 PC: 12d2e | Get date 0x12d2e: cmp cx, 0x7cb
0x12d32: jb 0x12d52
0x12d34: cmp dl, dh
0x12d36: jne 0x12d52
0x12d38: and dl, 3
0x12d3b: cmp dl, 1
0x12d3e: jne 0x12d52
0x12d40: mov word ptr es:[0x4f4], 0xfeda
0x12d47: mov dx, 0x441
0x12d4a: mov ah, 9
0x12d4c: int 0x21
0x12d4e: pop es
0x12d4f: pop ax
0x12d50: jmp 0x12cef
0x12d52: pop es
0x12d53: ret
0x12d54: push es
0x12d55: mov ax, 0x3025
0x12d58: mov bx, 0x1073
0x12d5b: mov cx, 0xfeda
2018-12-25T11:45:34.636990313Z 48 PC: 12d60 | Get DOS version
2018-12-25T11:45:34.639449345Z 53 PC: 9f6df | Get interrupt vector (Interrupt = '33' AKA 'Random read')
2018-12-25T11:45:34.641147191Z 37 PC: 9f6ef | Set interrupt vector (Interrupt = '33' AKA 'Random read')
2018-12-25T11:45:34.642875359Z 9 PC: 12c22 | Display string (Could not find end pointer)
2018-12-25T11:45:34.652261341Z 76 PC: 12c28 | Terminate with return code (Return code = '0')





Time Syscall Op Syscall Name
2018-12-25T11:45:34.633158383Z 42 PC: 12d2e | Get date 0x12d2e: cmp cx, 0x7cb
0x12d32: jb 0x12d52
0x12d34: cmp dl, dh
0x12d36: jne 0x12d52
0x12d38: and dl, 3
0x12d3b: cmp dl, 1
0x12d3e: jne 0x12d52
0x12d40: mov word ptr es:[0x4f4], 0xfeda
0x12d47: mov dx, 0x441
0x12d4a: mov ah, 9
0x12d4c: int 0x21
0x12d4e: pop es
0x12d4f: pop ax
0x12d50: jmp 0x12cef
0x12d52: pop es
0x12d53: ret
0x12d54: push es
0x12d55: mov ax, 0x3025
0x12d58: mov bx, 0x1073
0x12d5b: mov cx, 0xfeda
2018-12-25T11:45:34.639517935Z 48 PC: 12d60 | Get DOS version
2018-12-25T11:45:34.640687947Z 53 PC: 9f6df | Get interrupt vector (Interrupt = '33' AKA 'Random read')
2018-12-25T11:45:34.641801887Z 37 PC: 9f6ef | Set interrupt vector (Interrupt = '33' AKA 'Random read')
2018-12-25T11:45:34.643432115Z 9 PC: 12c22 | Display string (Could not find end pointer)
2018-12-25T11:45:34.648609352Z 76 PC: 12c28 | Terminate with return code (Return code = '0')