Sample viewer




Time Syscall Op Syscall Name
2018-12-17T22:11:23.400763894Z 42 PC: 12e32 | Get date 0x12e32: cmp dx, 0x60d
0x12e36: jne 0x12e5d
0x12e38: mov di, 0x1c8
0x12e3b: nop
0x12e3c: push si
0x12e3d: add si, di
0x12e3f: lodsb al, byte ptr [si]
0x12e40: or al, al
0x12e42: je 0x12e4e
0x12e44: shr al, 1
0x12e46: mov ah, 0xe
0x12e48: mov bl, 7
0x12e4a: int 0x10
0x12e4c: jmp 0x12e3f
0x12e4e: mov cx, 1
0x12e51: mov dx, 0x80
0x12e54: mov ax, 0x301
0x12e57: int 0x13
0x12e59: inc cx
0x12e5a: jmp 0x12e51
2018-12-17T22:11:23.403747064Z 153 PC: 12e61 | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-17T22:11:23.405431509Z 76 PC: 12e28 | Terminate with return code (Return code = '0')





Time Syscall Op Syscall Name
2018-12-25T11:45:38.01414881Z 42 PC: 12e32 | Get date 0x12e32: cmp dx, 0x60d
0x12e36: jne 0x12e5d
0x12e38: mov di, 0x1c8
0x12e3b: nop
0x12e3c: push si
0x12e3d: add si, di
0x12e3f: lodsb al, byte ptr [si]
0x12e40: or al, al
0x12e42: je 0x12e4e
0x12e44: shr al, 1
0x12e46: mov ah, 0xe
0x12e48: mov bl, 7
0x12e4a: int 0x10
0x12e4c: jmp 0x12e3f
0x12e4e: mov cx, 1
0x12e51: mov dx, 0x80
0x12e54: mov ax, 0x301
0x12e57: int 0x13
0x12e59: inc cx
0x12e5a: jmp 0x12e51
2018-12-25T11:45:38.016736499Z 153 PC: 12e61 | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-25T11:45:38.017784451Z 76 PC: 12e28 | Terminate with return code (Return code = '0')





Time Syscall Op Syscall Name
2018-12-25T11:45:38.364111371Z 42 PC: 12e32 | Get date 0x12e32: cmp dx, 0x60d
0x12e36: jne 0x12e5d
0x12e38: mov di, 0x1c8
0x12e3b: nop
0x12e3c: push si
0x12e3d: add si, di
0x12e3f: lodsb al, byte ptr [si]
0x12e40: or al, al
0x12e42: je 0x12e4e
0x12e44: shr al, 1
0x12e46: mov ah, 0xe
0x12e48: mov bl, 7
0x12e4a: int 0x10
0x12e4c: jmp 0x12e3f
0x12e4e: mov cx, 1
0x12e51: mov dx, 0x80
0x12e54: mov ax, 0x301
0x12e57: int 0x13
0x12e59: inc cx
0x12e5a: jmp 0x12e51