Sample viewer




Time Syscall Op Syscall Name
2018-12-17T21:52:44.197146171Z 67 PC: 9f3ad | Get or set file attributes
2018-12-17T21:52:44.536053194Z 61 PC: 9f3b2 | Open file (Filename = 'c:\dos\')
2018-12-17T21:52:44.543623284Z 87 PC: 9f3be | Get or set file date and time
2018-12-17T21:52:44.545573038Z 63 PC: 9f3d4 | Read file or device (Read 5 bytes on handle 5)
2018-12-17T21:52:44.552141643Z 66 PC: 9f3e6 | Move file pointer
2018-12-17T21:52:44.554476227Z 44 PC: 9f45e | Get time 0x9f45e: mov di, 0x535
0x9f461: mov cx, 0x4f3
0x9f464: add byte ptr cs:[di], cl
0x9f467: add byte ptr cs:[di], dl
0x9f46a: cmp dl, 0x1e
0x9f46d: jb 0x9f475
0x9f46f: xor byte ptr cs:[di], dl
0x9f472: jmp 0x9f478
0x9f474: nop
0x9f475: add byte ptr cs:[di], dl
0x9f478: inc di
0x9f479: loop 0x9f464
0x9f47b: cmp dl, 0x1e
0x9f47e: jae 0x9f486
0x9f480: mov byte ptr cs:[0x52a], 0x28
0x9f486: mov byte ptr cs:[0x528], dl
0x9f48b: pop ax
0x9f48c: pop dx
0x9f48d: pop si
0x9f48e: pop es
2018-12-17T21:52:44.558196747Z 44 PC: 9f335 | Get time 0x9f335: cmp dl, 0x62
0x9f338: jb 0x9f34e
0x9f33a: mov ax, cs
0x9f33c: push ax
0x9f33d: pop ds
0x9f33e: mov dx, 0x4a9
0x9f341: mov ah, 0x40
0x9f343: mov byte ptr cs:[0x4bc], 1
0x9f349: mov cx, 0xf
0x9f34c: int 0x21
0x9f34e: pop ax
0x9f34f: pop dx
0x9f350: pop ds
0x9f351: pop cx
0x9f352: jmp 0x9f367
0x9f354: nop
0x9f355: pushf
0x9f356: pushaw
0x9f357: push ax
0x9f358: push dx
2018-12-17T21:52:44.562357948Z 64 PC: 9f411 | Write file or device (Write 1300 bytes on handle 5)
2018-12-17T21:52:44.57097924Z 66 PC: 9f41a | Move file pointer
2018-12-17T21:52:44.573056571Z 44 PC: 9f335 | Get time 0x9f335: cmp dl, 0x62
0x9f338: jb 0x9f34e
0x9f33a: mov ax, cs
0x9f33c: push ax
0x9f33d: pop ds
0x9f33e: mov dx, 0x4a9
0x9f341: mov ah, 0x40
0x9f343: mov byte ptr cs:[0x4bc], 1
0x9f349: mov cx, 0xf
0x9f34c: int 0x21
0x9f34e: pop ax
0x9f34f: pop dx
0x9f350: pop ds
0x9f351: pop cx
0x9f352: jmp 0x9f367
0x9f354: nop
0x9f355: pushf
0x9f356: pushaw
0x9f357: push ax
0x9f358: push dx
2018-12-17T21:52:44.576511992Z 64 PC: 9f424 | Write file or device (Write 5 bytes on handle 5)
2018-12-17T21:52:44.579423261Z 87 PC: 9f436 | Get or set file date and time
2018-12-17T21:52:44.580954874Z 62 PC: 9f446 | Close file
2018-12-17T21:52:44.589267569Z 198 PC: 13bed | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-17T21:52:44.590368706Z 53 PC: 13c83 | Get interrupt vector (Interrupt = '1' AKA 'Character input')
2018-12-17T21:52:44.591643746Z 53 PC: 13c8c | Get interrupt vector (Interrupt = '28' AKA 'Get allocation info for specified drive')
2018-12-17T21:52:44.593263975Z 37 PC: 13ca5 | Set interrupt vector (Interrupt = '1' AKA 'Character input')
2018-12-17T21:52:44.595168938Z 37 PC: 13cfc | Set interrupt vector (Interrupt = '28' AKA 'Get allocation info for specified drive')
2018-12-17T21:52:44.596805103Z 37 PC: 13d0a | Set interrupt vector (Interrupt = '1' AKA 'Character input')
2018-12-17T21:52:44.598500152Z 26 PC: 12a8d | Set disk transfer address
2018-12-17T21:52:44.600596839Z 15 PC: 12a96 | Open file (Filename = ' win TEMP=C:\WINDOWS\TEMP �D Dosedit Date_:05-09-84 By Jack Gersbach Burlington, Vt. � ��!����\�! �up�P')
2018-12-17T21:52:44.603158882Z 9 PC: 132db | Display string (String= ' Alias List: ')
2018-12-17T21:52:44.608599844Z 2 PC: 12cf6 | Character output (Char = '0d')
2018-12-17T21:52:44.612437355Z 2 PC: 12cf6 | Character output (Char = '0a')
2018-12-17T21:52:44.617474722Z 49 PC: 13388 | Terminate and stay resident (Return code = '0' | Memory size = '162')