Sample viewer




Time Syscall Op Syscall Name
2018-12-17T22:15:37.950982376Z 26 PC: 12a4c | Set disk transfer address
2018-12-17T22:15:37.952315657Z 53 PC: 12a5a | Get interrupt vector (Interrupt = '36' AKA 'Set random record number')
2018-12-17T22:15:37.95387847Z 37 PC: 12a70 | Set interrupt vector (Interrupt = '36' AKA 'Set random record number')
2018-12-17T22:15:37.95561991Z 25 PC: 12a96 | Get default drive
2018-12-17T22:15:37.956620873Z 78 PC: 12ae7 | Find first file
2018-12-17T22:15:37.962823753Z 67 PC: 12b36 | Get or set file attributes
2018-12-17T22:15:37.966461048Z 67 PC: 12b44 | Get or set file attributes
2018-12-17T22:15:37.979409996Z 61 PC: 12b4c | Open file (Filename = 'SLEEP.COM')
2018-12-17T22:15:37.984141993Z 63 PC: 12b68 | Read file or device (Read 3 bytes on handle 5)
2018-12-17T22:15:37.988352445Z 66 PC: 12b92 | Move file pointer
2018-12-17T22:15:37.989629426Z 63 PC: 12ba4 | Read file or device (Read 2 bytes on handle 5)
2018-12-17T22:15:38.005552016Z 64 PC: 12bc2 | Write file or device (Write 600 bytes on handle 5)
2018-12-17T22:15:38.010591932Z 66 PC: 12bd1 | Move file pointer
2018-12-17T22:15:38.01156064Z 64 PC: 12be3 | Write file or device (Write 3 bytes on handle 5)
2018-12-17T22:15:38.015859906Z 87 PC: 12c49 | Get or set file date and time
2018-12-17T22:15:38.017926323Z 62 PC: 12c53 | Close file
2018-12-17T22:15:38.026892786Z 67 PC: 12c61 | Get or set file attributes
2018-12-17T22:15:38.037622239Z 26 PC: 12bf3 | Set disk transfer address
2018-12-17T22:15:38.038951005Z 37 PC: 12c04 | Set interrupt vector (Interrupt = '36' AKA 'Set random record number')
2018-12-17T22:15:38.040429396Z 42 PC: 12c09 | Get date 0x12c09: cmp al, 4
0x12c0b: jne 0x12c1a
0x12c0d: push es
0x12c0e: xor ax, ax
0x12c10: mov es, ax
0x12c12: mov word ptr es:[0x44e], 0xfa0
0x12c19: pop es
0x12c1a: add cx, 0x64
0x12c1d: mov ah, 0x2b
0x12c1f: int 0x21
0x12c21: pop ax
0x12c22: mov bx, 0x100
0x12c25: push bx
0x12c26: xor bx, bx
0x12c28: xor dx, dx
0x12c2a: xor cx, cx
0x12c2c: xor si, si
0x12c2e: xor di, di
0x12c30: xor bp, bp
0x12c32: ret
2018-12-17T22:15:38.043815648Z 43 PC: 12c21 | Set date





Time Syscall Op Syscall Name
2018-12-25T11:47:24.112854209Z 26 PC: 12a4c | Set disk transfer address
2018-12-25T11:47:24.114220512Z 53 PC: 12a5a | Get interrupt vector (Interrupt = '36' AKA 'Set random record number')
2018-12-25T11:47:24.115236619Z 37 PC: 12a70 | Set interrupt vector (Interrupt = '36' AKA 'Set random record number')
2018-12-25T11:47:24.116159014Z 25 PC: 12a96 | Get default drive
2018-12-25T11:47:24.117444721Z 78 PC: 12ae7 | Find first file
2018-12-25T11:47:24.121090209Z 67 PC: 12b36 | Get or set file attributes
2018-12-25T11:47:24.124405656Z 67 PC: 12b44 | Get or set file attributes
2018-12-25T11:47:24.138011264Z 61 PC: 12b4c | Open file (Filename = 'SLEEP.COM')
2018-12-25T11:47:24.155791136Z 63 PC: 12b68 | Read file or device (Read 3 bytes on handle 5)
2018-12-25T11:47:24.161316788Z 66 PC: 12b92 | Move file pointer
2018-12-25T11:47:24.16244266Z 63 PC: 12ba4 | Read file or device (Read 2 bytes on handle 5)
2018-12-25T11:47:24.167293139Z 64 PC: 12bc2 | Write file or device (Write 600 bytes on handle 5)
2018-12-25T11:47:24.17483758Z 66 PC: 12bd1 | Move file pointer
2018-12-25T11:47:24.17608109Z 64 PC: 12be3 | Write file or device (Write 3 bytes on handle 5)
2018-12-25T11:47:24.182465149Z 87 PC: 12c49 | Get or set file date and time
2018-12-25T11:47:24.183721532Z 62 PC: 12c53 | Close file
2018-12-25T11:47:24.190984917Z 67 PC: 12c61 | Get or set file attributes
2018-12-25T11:47:24.201146505Z 26 PC: 12bf3 | Set disk transfer address
2018-12-25T11:47:24.202109558Z 37 PC: 12c04 | Set interrupt vector (Interrupt = '36' AKA 'Set random record number')
2018-12-25T11:47:24.203048906Z 42 PC: 12c09 | Get date 0x12c09: cmp al, 4
0x12c0b: jne 0x12c1a
0x12c0d: push es
0x12c0e: xor ax, ax
0x12c10: mov es, ax
0x12c12: mov word ptr es:[0x44e], 0xfa0
0x12c19: pop es
0x12c1a: add cx, 0x64
0x12c1d: mov ah, 0x2b
0x12c1f: int 0x21
0x12c21: pop ax
0x12c22: mov bx, 0x100
0x12c25: push bx
0x12c26: xor bx, bx
0x12c28: xor dx, dx
0x12c2a: xor cx, cx
0x12c2c: xor si, si
0x12c2e: xor di, di
0x12c30: xor bp, bp
0x12c32: ret
2018-12-25T11:47:24.205443646Z 43 PC: 12c21 | Set date





Time Syscall Op Syscall Name
2018-12-25T11:47:24.283839901Z 26 PC: 12a4c | Set disk transfer address
2018-12-25T11:47:24.290596703Z 53 PC: 12a5a | Get interrupt vector (Interrupt = '36' AKA 'Set random record number')
2018-12-25T11:47:24.292115241Z 37 PC: 12a70 | Set interrupt vector (Interrupt = '36' AKA 'Set random record number')
2018-12-25T11:47:24.293745739Z 25 PC: 12a96 | Get default drive
2018-12-25T11:47:24.306351065Z 78 PC: 12ae7 | Find first file
2018-12-25T11:47:24.312390299Z 67 PC: 12b36 | Get or set file attributes
2018-12-25T11:47:24.318035501Z 67 PC: 12b44 | Get or set file attributes
2018-12-25T11:47:24.342517002Z 61 PC: 12b4c | Open file (Filename = 'SLEEP.COM')
2018-12-25T11:47:24.350432622Z 63 PC: 12b68 | Read file or device (Read 3 bytes on handle 5)
2018-12-25T11:47:24.356985296Z 66 PC: 12b92 | Move file pointer
2018-12-25T11:47:24.359131664Z 63 PC: 12ba4 | Read file or device (Read 2 bytes on handle 5)
2018-12-25T11:47:24.363013865Z 64 PC: 12bc2 | Write file or device (Write 600 bytes on handle 5)
2018-12-25T11:47:24.371264422Z 66 PC: 12bd1 | Move file pointer
2018-12-25T11:47:24.372740067Z 64 PC: 12be3 | Write file or device (Write 3 bytes on handle 5)
2018-12-25T11:47:24.380591293Z 87 PC: 12c49 | Get or set file date and time
2018-12-25T11:47:24.38213542Z 62 PC: 12c53 | Close file
2018-12-25T11:47:24.390307106Z 67 PC: 12c61 | Get or set file attributes
2018-12-25T11:47:24.401169265Z 26 PC: 12bf3 | Set disk transfer address
2018-12-25T11:47:24.402317375Z 37 PC: 12c04 | Set interrupt vector (Interrupt = '36' AKA 'Set random record number')
2018-12-25T11:47:24.403742783Z 42 PC: 12c09 | Get date 0x12c09: cmp al, 4
0x12c0b: jne 0x12c1a
0x12c0d: push es
0x12c0e: xor ax, ax
0x12c10: mov es, ax
0x12c12: mov word ptr es:[0x44e], 0xfa0
0x12c19: pop es
0x12c1a: add cx, 0x64
0x12c1d: mov ah, 0x2b
0x12c1f: int 0x21
0x12c21: pop ax
0x12c22: mov bx, 0x100
0x12c25: push bx
0x12c26: xor bx, bx
0x12c28: xor dx, dx
0x12c2a: xor cx, cx
0x12c2c: xor si, si
0x12c2e: xor di, di
0x12c30: xor bp, bp
0x12c32: ret
2018-12-25T11:47:24.406768123Z 43 PC: 12c21 | Set date