Sample viewer




Time Syscall Op Syscall Name
2018-12-17T22:20:23.259835013Z 219 PC: 12afe | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-17T22:20:23.261268896Z 42 PC: 12b14 | Get date 0x12b14: mov byte ptr cs:[bp + 0x1084], dl
0x12b19: cmp dh, 7
0x12b1c: jne 0x12b2f
0x12b1e: cmp dl, 4
0x12b21: jne 0x12b2f
0x12b23: jmp 0x1395d
0x12b26: and ax, word ptr [bp + di + 0x6f]
0x12b29: outsb dx, byte ptr [si]
0x12b2a: insb byte ptr es:[di], dx
0x12b2c: imul sp, word ptr [bp + di + 0x74], 0x21b0
0x12b31: call 0x12ff9
0x12b34: mov word ptr cs:[bp + 0x375], bx
0x12b39: mov word ptr cs:[bp + 0x377], es
0x12b3e: mov word ptr cs:[bp + 0x37a], bx
0x12b43: mov word ptr cs:[bp + 0x37c], es
0x12b48: xor di, di
0x12b4a: mov ah, 0x52
0x12b4c: int 0x21
0x12b4e: push bx
0x12b4f: mov bx, 0x109e
2018-12-17T22:20:23.263043603Z 82 PC: 12b4e | Get DOS internal pointers (SYSVARS)
2018-12-17T22:20:23.263891827Z 82 PC: 12ba0 | Get DOS internal pointers (SYSVARS)
2018-12-17T22:20:23.266320584Z 77 PC: 11fe0 | Get program return code
2018-12-17T22:20:23.267850976Z 72 PC: 12174 | Allocate memory
2018-12-17T22:20:23.269365186Z 72 PC: 1218d | Allocate memory
2018-12-17T22:20:23.271124416Z 37 PC: 123c4 | Set interrupt vector (Interrupt = '34' AKA 'Random write')
2018-12-17T22:20:23.27315515Z 37 PC: 123cb | Set interrupt vector (Interrupt = '35' AKA 'Get file size in records')
2018-12-17T22:20:23.274368456Z 37 PC: 123d2 | Set interrupt vector (Interrupt = '36' AKA 'Set random record number')
2018-12-17T22:20:23.275815412Z 250 PC: 9c0ae | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-17T22:20:23.27723685Z 69 PC: 9c071 | Duplicate handle
2018-12-17T22:20:23.278947959Z 250 PC: 9c0ca | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-17T22:20:23.280074259Z 62 PC: 122ab | Close file
2018-12-17T22:20:23.28277565Z 250 PC: 9c0ae | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-17T22:20:23.283659316Z 69 PC: 9c071 | Duplicate handle
2018-12-17T22:20:23.285223033Z 250 PC: 9c0ca | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-17T22:20:23.286200158Z 62 PC: 122ab | Close file
2018-12-17T22:20:23.287942801Z 250 PC: 9c0ae | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-17T22:20:23.288732506Z 69 PC: 9c071 | Duplicate handle
2018-12-17T22:20:23.290391723Z 250 PC: 9c0ca | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-17T22:20:23.291861187Z 62 PC: 122ab | Close file
2018-12-17T22:20:23.293354095Z 250 PC: 9c0ae | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-17T22:20:23.294098402Z 69 PC: 9c071 | Duplicate handle
2018-12-17T22:20:23.296154066Z 250 PC: 9c0ca | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-17T22:20:23.297114155Z 62 PC: 122ab | Close file
2018-12-17T22:20:23.298763656Z 250 PC: 9c0ae | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-17T22:20:23.300719496Z 69 PC: 9c071 | Duplicate handle
2018-12-17T22:20:23.3020692Z 250 PC: 9c0ca | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-17T22:20:23.302927139Z 62 PC: 122ab | Close file
2018-12-17T22:20:23.304995401Z 250 PC: 9c0ae | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-17T22:20:23.305784569Z 69 PC: 9c071 | Duplicate handle
2018-12-17T22:20:23.307357317Z 250 PC: 9c0ca | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-17T22:20:23.309066806Z 62 PC: 122ab | Close file
2018-12-17T22:20:23.311287938Z 250 PC: 9c0ae | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-17T22:20:23.312118028Z 69 PC: 9c071 | Duplicate handle
2018-12-17T22:20:23.314431052Z 250 PC: 9c0ca | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-17T22:20:23.315431341Z 62 PC: 122ab | Close file
2018-12-17T22:20:23.317502551Z 250 PC: 9c0ae | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-17T22:20:23.319035966Z 69 PC: 9c071 | Duplicate handle
2018-12-17T22:20:23.321062622Z 250 PC: 9c0ca | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-17T22:20:23.322014929Z 62 PC: 122ab | Close file
2018-12-17T22:20:23.324605503Z 250 PC: 9c0ae | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-17T22:20:23.325532389Z 69 PC: 9c071 | Duplicate handle
2018-12-17T22:20:23.327288614Z 250 PC: 9c0ca | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-17T22:20:23.328363414Z 62 PC: 122ab | Close file
2018-12-17T22:20:23.33066654Z 250 PC: 9c0ae | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-17T22:20:23.331815469Z 69 PC: 9c071 | Duplicate handle
2018-12-17T22:20:23.333454898Z 250 PC: 9c0ca | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-17T22:20:23.335029769Z 62 PC: 122ab | Close file
2018-12-17T22:20:23.336989704Z 250 PC: 9c0ae | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-17T22:20:23.337974865Z 69 PC: 9c071 | Duplicate handle
2018-12-17T22:20:23.340004266Z 250 PC: 9c0ca | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-17T22:20:23.340905873Z 62 PC: 122ab | Close file
2018-12-17T22:20:23.342334216Z 250 PC: 9c0ae | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-17T22:20:23.343768131Z 69 PC: 9c071 | Duplicate handle
2018-12-17T22:20:23.345158571Z 250 PC: 9c0ca | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-17T22:20:23.346003579Z 62 PC: 122ab | Close file
2018-12-17T22:20:23.349370477Z 250 PC: 9c0ae | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-17T22:20:23.350232133Z 69 PC: 9c071 | Duplicate handle
2018-12-17T22:20:23.351678675Z 250 PC: 9c0ca | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-17T22:20:23.353539102Z 62 PC: 122ab | Close file
2018-12-17T22:20:23.355411412Z 250 PC: 9c0ae | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-17T22:20:23.356176229Z 69 PC: 9c071 | Duplicate handle
2018-12-17T22:20:23.359024059Z 250 PC: 9c0ca | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-17T22:20:23.359955531Z 62 PC: 122ab | Close file
2018-12-17T22:20:23.363184243Z 250 PC: 9c0ae | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-17T22:20:23.364733611Z 69 PC: 9c071 | Duplicate handle
2018-12-17T22:20:23.366648514Z 250 PC: 9c0ca | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-17T22:20:23.367487434Z 62 PC: 122ab | Close file
2018-12-17T22:20:23.371380338Z 250 PC: 9c0ae | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-17T22:20:23.372259569Z 61 PC: 9c071 | Open file (Filename = 'C:\COMMAND.COM')
2018-12-17T22:20:23.380577103Z 62 PC: 9c071 | Close file
2018-12-17T22:20:23.383231801Z 250 PC: 9c0ca | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-17T22:20:23.384301162Z 61 PC: 12354 | Open file (Filename = 'C:\COMMAND.COM')
2018-12-17T22:20:23.388303011Z 66 PC: 12372 | Move file pointer
2018-12-17T22:20:23.38962671Z 63 PC: 12383 | Read file or device (Read 44693 bytes on handle 5)
2018-12-17T22:20:23.399466932Z 250 PC: 9c0ae | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-17T22:20:23.400259533Z 69 PC: 9c071 | Duplicate handle
2018-12-17T22:20:23.401709777Z 62 PC: 9c071 | Close file
2018-12-17T22:20:23.403390434Z 63 PC: 9c071 | Read file or device (Read 4 bytes on handle 5)
2018-12-17T22:20:23.406544485Z 64 PC: 9c071 | Write file or device (Write 4239 bytes on handle 5)
2018-12-17T22:20:23.740926943Z 64 PC: 9c071 | Write file or device (Write 4 bytes on handle 5)
2018-12-17T22:20:23.745841408Z 87 PC: 9c071 | Get or set file date and time
2018-12-17T22:20:23.748276232Z 250 PC: 9c0ca | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-17T22:20:23.749976952Z 62 PC: 1238a | Close file
2018-12-17T22:20:23.761389209Z 99 PC: 96357 | Get DBCS lead byte table pointer
2018-12-17T22:20:23.763444865Z 56 PC: 90b79 | Get or set country info
2018-12-17T22:20:23.766094682Z 64 PC: 965c8 | Write file or device (Write 2 bytes on handle 1)
2018-12-17T22:20:23.772352617Z 25 PC: 90be2 | Get default drive
2018-12-17T22:20:23.774546645Z 71 PC: 92e5d | Get current directory
2018-12-17T22:20:23.780185827Z 64 PC: 965c8 | Write file or device (Write 3 bytes on handle 1)
2018-12-17T22:20:23.784497558Z 2 PC: 92e32 | Character output (Char = '3e')
2018-12-17T22:20:23.787509366Z 93 PC: 90ca0 | File sharing functions
2018-12-17T22:20:23.789590628Z 93 PC: 90ca7 | File sharing functions
2018-12-17T22:20:23.792300149Z 10 PC: 90cb9 | Buffered keyboard input
2018-12-17T22:20:38.254667747Z 0 PC: 0 | Program terminate
2018-12-17T22:20:39.613647249Z 0 PC: 0 | Program terminate
2018-12-17T22:20:39.716694892Z 64 PC: 965c8 | Write file or device (Write 2 bytes on handle 1)
2018-12-17T22:20:39.723665863Z 41 PC: 90d2e | Parse filename
2018-12-17T22:20:39.726223553Z 41 PC: 90daf | Parse filename
2018-12-17T22:20:39.73089607Z 41 PC: 90dcc | Parse filename
2018-12-17T22:20:39.733580907Z 26 PC: 94277 | Set disk transfer address
2018-12-17T22:20:39.735812486Z 71 PC: 94473 | Get current directory
2018-12-17T22:20:39.745351948Z 78 PC: 9bbe9 | Find first file
2018-12-17T22:20:39.75937284Z 98 PC: 9bfac | Get current PSP
2018-12-17T22:20:39.760442023Z 47 PC: 9bc1b | Get disk transfer address
2018-12-17T22:20:39.763221031Z 71 PC: 942ec | Get current directory
2018-12-17T22:20:39.766898339Z 73 PC: 93989 | Release memory
2018-12-17T22:20:39.768960096Z 250 PC: 9c0ae | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-17T22:20:39.770922328Z 67 PC: 9c071 | Get or set file attributes
2018-12-17T22:20:39.777321232Z 65 PC: 9c071 | Delete file (Filename = 'mory  No free file handlesBad Command or file name Access denied  Memory allocation error& Cannot load COMMAND, system halted ! Cannot start COMMAND, exiting . Top level process aborted, cannot continue  � ')
2018-12-17T22:20:39.789526344Z 67 PC: 9c071 | Get or set file attributes
2018-12-17T22:20:39.799055765Z 65 PC: 9c071 | Delete file (Filename = ' to fit in memory  No free file handlesBad Command or file name Access denied  Memory allocation error& Cannot load COMMAND, system halted ! Cannot start COMMAND, exiting . Top level process aborted, cannot continue  � ')
2018-12-17T22:20:39.806201277Z 67 PC: 9c071 | Get or set file attributes
2018-12-17T22:20:39.812493388Z 65 PC: 9c071 | Delete file (Filename = ' free file handlesBad Command or file name Access denied  Memory allocation error& Cannot load COMMAND, system halted ! Cannot start COMMAND, exiting . Top level process aborted, cannot continue  � ')
2018-12-17T22:20:39.816594379Z 67 PC: 9c071 | Get or set file attributes
2018-12-17T22:20:39.820848856Z 65 PC: 9c071 | Delete file (Filename = 'ndlesBad Command or file name Access denied  Memory allocation error& Cannot load COMMAND, system halted ! Cannot start COMMAND, exiting . Top level process aborted, cannot continue  � ')
2018-12-17T22:20:39.827325878Z 67 PC: 9c071 | Get or set file attributes
2018-12-17T22:20:39.834102621Z 65 PC: 9c071 | Delete file (Filename = 'd Command or file name Access denied  Memory allocation error& Cannot load COMMAND, system halted ! Cannot start COMMAND, exiting . Top level process aborted, cannot continue  � ')
2018-12-17T22:20:39.841491957Z 67 PC: 9c071 | Get or set file attributes
2018-12-17T22:20:39.848245855Z 65 PC: 9c071 | Delete file (Filename = 'd or file name Access denied  Memory allocation error& Cannot load COMMAND, system halted ! Cannot start COMMAND, exiting . Top level process aborted, cannot continue  � ')
2018-12-17T22:20:39.855974489Z 250 PC: 9c0ca | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-17T22:20:39.857794208Z 75 PC: 11821 | Execute program
2018-12-17T22:20:39.87356916Z 9 PC: 12a47 | Display string (String= 'Hello, World! ')
2018-12-17T22:20:39.878286938Z 76 PC: 12a4b | Terminate with return code (Return code = '36')
2018-12-17T22:20:39.883797588Z 77 PC: 11fe0 | Get program return code
2018-12-17T22:20:39.885627001Z 72 PC: 12174 | Allocate memory
2018-12-17T22:20:39.888108551Z 72 PC: 1218d | Allocate memory
2018-12-17T22:20:39.890957242Z 37 PC: 123c4 | Set interrupt vector (Interrupt = '34' AKA 'Random write')
2018-12-17T22:20:39.892335326Z 37 PC: 123cb | Set interrupt vector (Interrupt = '35' AKA 'Get file size in records')
2018-12-17T22:20:39.89367907Z 37 PC: 123d2 | Set interrupt vector (Interrupt = '36' AKA 'Set random record number')
2018-12-17T22:20:39.900628463Z 250 PC: 9c0ae | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-17T22:20:39.902259179Z 69 PC: 9c071 | Duplicate handle
2018-12-17T22:20:39.904261898Z 250 PC: 9c0ca | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-17T22:20:39.905801927Z 62 PC: 122ab | Close file
2018-12-17T22:20:39.907386729Z 250 PC: 9c0ae | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-17T22:20:39.908221748Z 69 PC: 9c071 | Duplicate handle
2018-12-17T22:20:39.911030972Z 250 PC: 9c0ca | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-17T22:20:39.911942097Z 62 PC: 122ab | Close file
2018-12-17T22:20:39.913448568Z 250 PC: 9c0ae | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-17T22:20:39.914857816Z 69 PC: 9c071 | Duplicate handle
2018-12-17T22:20:39.916294415Z 250 PC: 9c0ca | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-17T22:20:39.917172278Z 62 PC: 122ab | Close file
2018-12-17T22:20:39.919296642Z 250 PC: 9c0ae | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-17T22:20:39.920117177Z 69 PC: 9c071 | Duplicate handle
2018-12-17T22:20:39.921524397Z 250 PC: 9c0ca | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-17T22:20:39.92307532Z 62 PC: 122ab | Close file
2018-12-17T22:20:39.924709098Z 250 PC: 9c0ae | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-17T22:20:39.925679581Z 69 PC: 9c071 | Duplicate handle
2018-12-17T22:20:39.927746526Z 250 PC: 9c0ca | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-17T22:20:39.928815201Z 62 PC: 122ab | Close file
2018-12-17T22:20:39.930383085Z 250 PC: 9c0ae | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-17T22:20:39.932037201Z 69 PC: 9c071 | Duplicate handle
2018-12-17T22:20:39.933632224Z 250 PC: 9c0ca | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-17T22:20:39.934527003Z 62 PC: 122ab | Close file
2018-12-17T22:20:39.936589729Z 250 PC: 9c0ae | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-17T22:20:39.937429412Z 69 PC: 9c071 | Duplicate handle
2018-12-17T22:20:39.938851495Z 250 PC: 9c0ca | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-17T22:20:39.940322949Z 62 PC: 122ab | Close file
2018-12-17T22:20:39.941800731Z 250 PC: 9c0ae | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-17T22:20:39.942614232Z 69 PC: 9c071 | Duplicate handle
2018-12-17T22:20:39.944669573Z 250 PC: 9c0ca | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-17T22:20:39.94557346Z 62 PC: 122ab | Close file
2018-12-17T22:20:39.947085797Z 250 PC: 9c0ae | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-17T22:20:39.948505806Z 69 PC: 9c071 | Duplicate handle
2018-12-17T22:20:39.949937064Z 250 PC: 9c0ca | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-17T22:20:39.950745564Z 62 PC: 122ab | Close file
2018-12-17T22:20:39.952841698Z 250 PC: 9c0ae | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-17T22:20:39.953626065Z 69 PC: 9c071 | Duplicate handle
2018-12-17T22:20:39.955031645Z 250 PC: 9c0ca | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-17T22:20:39.956507218Z 62 PC: 122ab | Close file
2018-12-17T22:20:39.957997061Z 250 PC: 9c0ae | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-17T22:20:39.958769503Z 69 PC: 9c071 | Duplicate handle
2018-12-17T22:20:39.960695437Z 250 PC: 9c0ca | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-17T22:20:39.961531106Z 62 PC: 122ab | Close file
2018-12-17T22:20:39.963009384Z 250 PC: 9c0ae | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-17T22:20:39.964283065Z 69 PC: 9c071 | Duplicate handle
2018-12-17T22:20:39.965654378Z 250 PC: 9c0ca | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-17T22:20:39.966501252Z 62 PC: 122ab | Close file
2018-12-17T22:20:39.968509944Z 250 PC: 9c0ae | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-17T22:20:39.969295497Z 69 PC: 9c071 | Duplicate handle
2018-12-17T22:20:39.970682774Z 250 PC: 9c0ca | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-17T22:20:39.977223509Z 62 PC: 122ab | Close file
2018-12-17T22:20:39.97873716Z 250 PC: 9c0ae | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-17T22:20:39.97951152Z 69 PC: 9c071 | Duplicate handle
2018-12-17T22:20:39.981286249Z 250 PC: 9c0ca | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-17T22:20:39.982122196Z 62 PC: 122ab | Close file
2018-12-17T22:20:39.983566296Z 250 PC: 9c0ae | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-17T22:20:39.985082736Z 69 PC: 9c071 | Duplicate handle
2018-12-17T22:20:39.986522299Z 250 PC: 9c0ca | UNKNOWN!
2018-12-17T22:20:39.987346828Z 62 PC: 122ab | Close file
2018-12-17T22:20:39.990102888Z 99 PC: 96357 | Get DBCS lead byte table pointer
2018-12-17T22:20:39.991255245Z 56 PC: 90b79 | Get or set country info
2018-12-17T22:20:39.992745683Z 64 PC: 965c8 | Write file or device (Write 2 bytes on handle 1)
2018-12-17T22:20:40.010203174Z 25 PC: 90be2 | Get default drive
2018-12-17T22:20:40.012038192Z 71 PC: 92e5d | Get current directory
2018-12-17T22:20:40.016421597Z 64 PC: 965c8 | Write file or device (Write 3 bytes on handle 1)
2018-12-17T22:20:40.02061882Z 2 PC: 92e32 | Character output (Char = '3e')
2018-12-17T22:20:40.025420407Z 93 PC: 90ca0 | File sharing functions
2018-12-17T22:20:40.028069289Z 93 PC: 90ca7 | File sharing functions
2018-12-17T22:20:40.031002873Z 10 PC: 90cb9 | Buffered keyboard input