Time | Syscall Op | Syscall Name |
2018-12-17T22:21:18.065131234Z | 44 | PC: 14099 | Get time 0x14099: cmp cl, 0xa 0x1409c: ret 0x1409d: xchg ax, di 0x1409e: out dx, ax 0x1409f: lodsb al, byte ptr [si] 0x140a0: push bx 0x140a1: push ax 0x140a2: mov bx, word ptr [si + 0x430] 0x140a6: mov al, byte ptr [si + 0x13d] 0x140aa: and al, 0x1f 0x140ac: cmp al, 0x1c 0x140ae: jb 0x140c7 0x140b0: mov cl, byte ptr [si + 0x42f] 0x140b4: inc cl 0x140b6: and cl, 3 0x140b9: mov byte ptr [si + 0x42f], cl 0x140bd: mov al, 6 0x140bf: mul cl 0x140c1: mov word ptr [si + 0x430], ax 0x140c5: mov bx, ax |
2018-12-17T22:21:18.067527446Z | 9 | PC: 13dc6 | Display string (String= 'Hello - Copyright S & S International, 1990 ') |