Sample viewer




Time Syscall Op Syscall Name
2018-12-17T22:29:24.907283006Z 44 PC: 1359a | Get time 0x1359a: ret
0x1359b: mov di, 0xbe85
0x1359e: test word ptr [bp + si - 0x75], bp
0x135a1: imul word ptr [si - 0x3bce]
0x135a5: add ah, 0x11
0x135a8: stosb byte ptr es:[di], al
0x135a9: loop 0x135a2
0x135ab: ret
0x135ac: and bh, byte ptr [bx + si - 0x75]
0x135af: cli
0x135b0: mov ah, byte ptr [di - 0x346]
0x135b4: add di, 0xfa11
0x135b8: mov cx, 0xf2a7
0x135bb: mov cx, 0x25d
0x135be: call 0x2359d
0x135c1: mov cx, 0x5ce8
0x135c4: mov di, dx
0x135c6: mov ah, byte ptr [di - 0x346]
0x135ca: add di, 0xfd1c
0x135ce: mov cx, 0x44
2018-12-17T22:29:24.909851707Z 44 PC: 1359a | Get time 0x1359a: ret
0x1359b: mov di, 0xbe85
0x1359e: test word ptr [bp + si - 0x75], bp
0x135a1: imul word ptr [si - 0x3bce]
0x135a5: add ah, 0x11
0x135a8: stosb byte ptr es:[di], al
0x135a9: loop 0x135a2
0x135ab: ret
0x135ac: and bh, byte ptr [bx + si - 0x75]
0x135af: cli
0x135b0: mov ah, byte ptr [di - 0x346]
0x135b4: add di, 0xfa11
0x135b8: mov cx, 0xf2a7
0x135bb: mov cx, 0x25d
0x135be: call 0x2359d
0x135c1: mov cx, 0x5ce8
0x135c4: mov di, dx
0x135c6: mov ah, byte ptr [di - 0x346]
0x135ca: add di, 0xfd1c
0x135ce: mov cx, 0x44
2018-12-17T22:29:24.913643635Z 67 PC: 1359a | Get or set file attributes
2018-12-17T22:29:24.9206333Z 42 PC: 1359a | Get date 0x1359a: ret
0x1359b: fisttp qword ptr [bp + si - 0x5c42]
0x1359f: outsw dx, word ptr [si]
0x135a0: mov si, di
0x135a2: lodsb al, byte ptr [si]
0x135a3: xor al, ah
0x135a5: add ah, 0x11
0x135a8: stosb byte ptr es:[di], al
0x135a9: loop 0x135a2
0x135ab: ret
0x135ac: inc ax
0x135ad: jge 0x1353a
0x135af: cli
0x135b0: mov ah, byte ptr [di - 0x346]
0x135b4: add di, 0xfa11
0x135b8: mov cx, 0xf7c5
0x135bb: mov cx, 0x25d
0x135be: call 0x2359d
0x135c1: mov cx, 0x6206
0x135c4: mov di, dx
2018-12-17T22:29:24.923662474Z 48 PC: 1359a | Get DOS version
2018-12-17T22:29:24.925162873Z 37 PC: 1359a | Set interrupt vector (Interrupt = '36' AKA 'Set random record number')
2018-12-17T22:29:24.926407746Z 47 PC: 1359a | Get disk transfer address
2018-12-17T22:29:24.928287829Z 26 PC: 1359a | Set disk transfer address
2018-12-17T22:29:24.930089376Z 71 PC: 1359a | Get current directory
2018-12-17T22:29:24.93383949Z 78 PC: 1359a | Find first file
2018-12-17T22:29:24.944163713Z 67 PC: 1359a | Get or set file attributes
2018-12-17T22:29:24.962414002Z 67 PC: 1359a | Get or set file attributes
2018-12-17T22:29:25.635215747Z 61 PC: 1359a | Open file (Filename = 'C:\DOS\EDIT.COM')
2018-12-17T22:29:25.644380966Z 87 PC: 1359a | Get or set file date and time
2018-12-17T22:29:25.64725581Z 63 PC: 1359a | Read file or device (Read 3 bytes on handle 5)
2018-12-17T22:29:25.653458975Z 66 PC: 1359a | Move file pointer
2018-12-17T22:29:25.655161508Z 44 PC: 1359a | Get time 0x1359a: ret
0x1359b: fisttp qword ptr [bp + si - 0x5c42]
0x1359f: outsw dx, word ptr [si]
0x135a0: mov si, di
0x135a2: lodsb al, byte ptr [si]
0x135a3: xor al, ah
0x135a5: add ah, 0x11
0x135a8: stosb byte ptr es:[di], al
0x135a9: loop 0x135a2
0x135ab: ret
0x135ac: inc ax
0x135ad: jge 0x1353a
0x135af: cli
0x135b0: mov ah, byte ptr [di - 0x346]
0x135b4: add di, 0xfa11
0x135b8: mov cx, 0xf7c5
0x135bb: mov cx, 0x25d
0x135be: call 0x2359d
0x135c1: mov cx, 0x6206
0x135c4: mov di, dx
2018-12-17T22:29:25.658144108Z 64 PC: 1359a | Write file or device (Write 134 bytes on handle 5)
2018-12-17T22:29:25.669791562Z 44 PC: 1359a | Get time 0x1359a: ret
0x1359b: fisttp qword ptr [bp + si - 0x5c42]
0x1359f: outsw dx, word ptr [si]
0x135a0: mov si, di
0x135a2: lodsb al, byte ptr [si]
0x135a3: xor al, ah
0x135a5: add ah, 0x11
0x135a8: stosb byte ptr es:[di], al
0x135a9: loop 0x135a2
0x135ab: ret
0x135ac: inc ax
0x135ad: jge 0x1353a
0x135af: cli
0x135b0: mov ah, byte ptr [di - 0x346]
0x135b4: add di, 0xfa11
0x135b8: mov cx, 0xf7c5
0x135bb: mov cx, 0x25d
0x135be: call 0x2359d
0x135c1: mov cx, 0x6206
0x135c4: mov di, dx
2018-12-17T22:29:25.673134307Z 64 PC: 1359a | Write file or device (Write 1738 bytes on handle 5)
2018-12-17T22:29:25.686439707Z 66 PC: 1359a | Move file pointer
2018-12-17T22:29:25.688962952Z 64 PC: 1359a | Write file or device (Write 3 bytes on handle 5)
2018-12-17T22:29:25.695616397Z 87 PC: 1359a | Get or set file date and time
2018-12-17T22:29:25.697375238Z 62 PC: 1359a | Close file
2018-12-17T22:29:25.707257252Z 67 PC: 1359a | Get or set file attributes
2018-12-17T22:29:25.721391033Z 26 PC: 1359a | Set disk transfer address
2018-12-17T22:29:25.723094693Z 37 PC: 1359a | Set interrupt vector (Interrupt = '36' AKA 'Set random record number')
2018-12-17T22:29:25.725948506Z 42 PC: 1359a | Get date 0x1359a: ret
0x1359b: fisttp qword ptr [bp + si - 0x5c42]
0x1359f: outsw dx, word ptr [si]
0x135a0: mov si, di
0x135a2: lodsb al, byte ptr [si]
0x135a3: xor al, ah
0x135a5: add ah, 0x11
0x135a8: stosb byte ptr es:[di], al
0x135a9: loop 0x135a2
0x135ab: ret
0x135ac: inc ax
0x135ad: jge 0x1353a
0x135af: cli
0x135b0: mov ah, byte ptr [di - 0x346]
0x135b4: add di, 0xfa11
0x135b8: mov cx, 0xf7c5
0x135bb: mov cx, 0x25d
0x135be: call 0x2359d
0x135c1: mov cx, 0x6206
0x135c4: mov di, dx
2018-12-17T22:29:25.728621041Z 44 PC: 1359a | Get time 0x1359a: ret
0x1359b: fisttp qword ptr [bp + si - 0x5c42]
0x1359f: outsw dx, word ptr [si]
0x135a0: mov si, di
0x135a2: lodsb al, byte ptr [si]
0x135a3: xor al, ah
0x135a5: add ah, 0x11
0x135a8: stosb byte ptr es:[di], al
0x135a9: loop 0x135a2
0x135ab: ret
0x135ac: inc ax
0x135ad: jge 0x1353a
0x135af: cli
0x135b0: mov ah, byte ptr [di - 0x346]
0x135b4: add di, 0xfa11
0x135b8: mov cx, 0xf7c5
0x135bb: mov cx, 0x25d
0x135be: call 0x2359d
0x135c1: mov cx, 0x6206
0x135c4: mov di, dx
2018-12-17T22:29:25.731979218Z 9 PC: 12a4c | Display string (String= '(C) 1993 American Eagle Publications Inc., All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized use will be prosecuted under applicable copyright and software piracy laws. HOST #5 - You have just released a virus!')
2018-12-17T22:29:25.741670994Z 76 PC: 12a51 | Terminate with return code (Return code = '0')