Sample viewer




Time Syscall Op Syscall Name
2018-12-17T22:30:16.924248264Z 42 PC: 146c8 | Get date 0x146c8: cmp dx, 0xb19
0x146cc: jne 0x146ef
0x146ce: mov dx, 0x180
0x146d1: mov cx, 2
0x146d4: mov ax, 0x30a
0x146d7: xor bx, bx
0x146d9: push cx
0x146da: push dx
0x146db: int 0x13
0x146dd: pop dx
0x146de: pop cx
0x146df: inc ch
0x146e1: cmp ch, 0xc8
0x146e4: jb 0x146d4
0x146e6: xor ch, ch
0x146e8: inc dh
0x146ea: cmp dh, 0x3c
0x146ed: jb 0x146d4
0x146ef: mov ah, 0x2b
0x146f1: popf
2018-12-17T22:30:16.927821706Z 43 PC: 14704 | Set date
2018-12-17T22:30:16.944049551Z 42 PC: 15798 | Get date 0x15798: cmp dx, 0xb19
0x1579c: jne 0x157bf
0x1579e: mov dx, 0x180
0x157a1: mov cx, 2
0x157a4: mov ax, 0x30a
0x157a7: xor bx, bx
0x157a9: push cx
0x157aa: push dx
0x157ab: int 0x13
0x157ad: pop dx
0x157ae: pop cx
0x157af: inc ch
0x157b1: cmp ch, 0xc8
0x157b4: jb 0x157a4
0x157b6: xor ch, ch
0x157b8: inc dh
0x157ba: cmp dh, 0x3c
0x157bd: jb 0x157a4
0x157bf: mov ah, 0x2b
0x157c1: popf
2018-12-17T22:30:16.946300099Z 43 PC: 157d4 | Set date
2018-12-17T22:30:16.948426033Z 9 PC: 13b2c | Display string (Could not find end pointer)
2018-12-17T22:30:16.954280932Z 76 PC: 13b31 | Terminate with return code (Return code = '0')
2018-12-17T22:30:16.95752022Z 77 PC: 13856 | Get program return code





Time Syscall Op Syscall Name
2018-12-25T11:54:27.594446659Z 42 PC: 146c8 | Get date 0x146c8: cmp dx, 0xb19
0x146cc: jne 0x146ef
0x146ce: mov dx, 0x180
0x146d1: mov cx, 2
0x146d4: mov ax, 0x30a
0x146d7: xor bx, bx
0x146d9: push cx
0x146da: push dx
0x146db: int 0x13
0x146dd: pop dx
0x146de: pop cx
0x146df: inc ch
0x146e1: cmp ch, 0xc8
0x146e4: jb 0x146d4
0x146e6: xor ch, ch
0x146e8: inc dh
0x146ea: cmp dh, 0x3c
0x146ed: jb 0x146d4
0x146ef: mov ah, 0x2b
0x146f1: popf
2018-12-25T11:54:27.599083272Z 43 PC: 14704 | Set date
2018-12-25T11:54:27.613662363Z 42 PC: 15798 | Get date 0x15798: cmp dx, 0xb19
0x1579c: jne 0x157bf
0x1579e: mov dx, 0x180
0x157a1: mov cx, 2
0x157a4: mov ax, 0x30a
0x157a7: xor bx, bx
0x157a9: push cx
0x157aa: push dx
0x157ab: int 0x13
0x157ad: pop dx
0x157ae: pop cx
0x157af: inc ch
0x157b1: cmp ch, 0xc8
0x157b4: jb 0x157a4
0x157b6: xor ch, ch
0x157b8: inc dh
0x157ba: cmp dh, 0x3c
0x157bd: jb 0x157a4
0x157bf: mov ah, 0x2b
0x157c1: popf
2018-12-25T11:54:27.615274495Z 43 PC: 157d4 | Set date
2018-12-25T11:54:27.617437297Z 9 PC: 13b2c | Display string (Could not find end pointer)
2018-12-25T11:54:27.620987862Z 76 PC: 13b31 | Terminate with return code (Return code = '0')
2018-12-25T11:54:27.623099222Z 77 PC: 13856 | Get program return code





Time Syscall Op Syscall Name
2018-12-25T11:54:27.931900307Z 42 PC: 146c8 | Get date 0x146c8: cmp dx, 0xb19
0x146cc: jne 0x146ef
0x146ce: mov dx, 0x180
0x146d1: mov cx, 2
0x146d4: mov ax, 0x30a
0x146d7: xor bx, bx
0x146d9: push cx
0x146da: push dx
0x146db: int 0x13
0x146dd: pop dx
0x146de: pop cx
0x146df: inc ch
0x146e1: cmp ch, 0xc8
0x146e4: jb 0x146d4
0x146e6: xor ch, ch
0x146e8: inc dh
0x146ea: cmp dh, 0x3c
0x146ed: jb 0x146d4
0x146ef: mov ah, 0x2b
0x146f1: popf
2018-12-25T11:54:30.283030158Z 43 PC: 14704 | Set date
2018-12-25T11:54:30.293506984Z 42 PC: 15798 | Get date 0x15798: cmp dx, 0xb19
0x1579c: jne 0x157bf
0x1579e: mov dx, 0x180
0x157a1: mov cx, 2
0x157a4: mov ax, 0x30a
0x157a7: xor bx, bx
0x157a9: push cx
0x157aa: push dx
0x157ab: int 0x13
0x157ad: pop dx
0x157ae: pop cx
0x157af: inc ch
0x157b1: cmp ch, 0xc8
0x157b4: jb 0x157a4
0x157b6: xor ch, ch
0x157b8: inc dh
0x157ba: cmp dh, 0x3c
0x157bd: jb 0x157a4
0x157bf: mov ah, 0x2b
0x157c1: popf
2018-12-25T11:54:32.555104491Z 43 PC: 157d4 | Set date
2018-12-25T11:54:32.558604182Z 9 PC: 13b2c | Display string (Could not find end pointer)
2018-12-25T11:54:32.561963035Z 76 PC: 13b31 | Terminate with return code (Return code = '0')
2018-12-25T11:54:32.563936776Z 77 PC: 13856 | Get program return code





Time Syscall Op Syscall Name
2018-12-25T11:54:28.840989365Z 42 PC: 146c8 | Get date 0x146c8: cmp dx, 0xb19
0x146cc: jne 0x146ef
0x146ce: mov dx, 0x180
0x146d1: mov cx, 2
0x146d4: mov ax, 0x30a
0x146d7: xor bx, bx
0x146d9: push cx
0x146da: push dx
0x146db: int 0x13
0x146dd: pop dx
0x146de: pop cx
0x146df: inc ch
0x146e1: cmp ch, 0xc8
0x146e4: jb 0x146d4
0x146e6: xor ch, ch
0x146e8: inc dh
0x146ea: cmp dh, 0x3c
0x146ed: jb 0x146d4
0x146ef: mov ah, 0x2b
0x146f1: popf
2018-12-25T11:54:28.843544155Z 43 PC: 14704 | Set date
2018-12-25T11:54:28.861793621Z 42 PC: 15798 | Get date 0x15798: cmp dx, 0xb19
0x1579c: jne 0x157bf
0x1579e: mov dx, 0x180
0x157a1: mov cx, 2
0x157a4: mov ax, 0x30a
0x157a7: xor bx, bx
0x157a9: push cx
0x157aa: push dx
0x157ab: int 0x13
0x157ad: pop dx
0x157ae: pop cx
0x157af: inc ch
0x157b1: cmp ch, 0xc8
0x157b4: jb 0x157a4
0x157b6: xor ch, ch
0x157b8: inc dh
0x157ba: cmp dh, 0x3c
0x157bd: jb 0x157a4
0x157bf: mov ah, 0x2b
0x157c1: popf
2018-12-25T11:54:28.864246287Z 43 PC: 157d4 | Set date
2018-12-25T11:54:28.865822329Z 9 PC: 13b2c | Display string (Could not find end pointer)
2018-12-25T11:54:28.872001853Z 76 PC: 13b31 | Terminate with return code (Return code = '0')
2018-12-25T11:54:28.875273614Z 77 PC: 13856 | Get program return code





Time Syscall Op Syscall Name
2018-12-25T11:54:29.623144339Z 42 PC: 146c8 | Get date 0x146c8: cmp dx, 0xb19
0x146cc: jne 0x146ef
0x146ce: mov dx, 0x180
0x146d1: mov cx, 2
0x146d4: mov ax, 0x30a
0x146d7: xor bx, bx
0x146d9: push cx
0x146da: push dx
0x146db: int 0x13
0x146dd: pop dx
0x146de: pop cx
0x146df: inc ch
0x146e1: cmp ch, 0xc8
0x146e4: jb 0x146d4
0x146e6: xor ch, ch
0x146e8: inc dh
0x146ea: cmp dh, 0x3c
0x146ed: jb 0x146d4
0x146ef: mov ah, 0x2b
0x146f1: popf
2018-12-25T11:54:31.683797883Z 43 PC: 14704 | Set date
2018-12-25T11:54:31.703642943Z 42 PC: 15798 | Get date 0x15798: cmp dx, 0xb19
0x1579c: jne 0x157bf
0x1579e: mov dx, 0x180
0x157a1: mov cx, 2
0x157a4: mov ax, 0x30a
0x157a7: xor bx, bx
0x157a9: push cx
0x157aa: push dx
0x157ab: int 0x13
0x157ad: pop dx
0x157ae: pop cx
0x157af: inc ch
0x157b1: cmp ch, 0xc8
0x157b4: jb 0x157a4
0x157b6: xor ch, ch
0x157b8: inc dh
0x157ba: cmp dh, 0x3c
0x157bd: jb 0x157a4
0x157bf: mov ah, 0x2b
0x157c1: popf
2018-12-25T11:54:33.480152479Z 43 PC: 157d4 | Set date
2018-12-25T11:54:33.481804298Z 9 PC: 13b2c | Display string (Could not find end pointer)
2018-12-25T11:54:33.488209646Z 76 PC: 13b31 | Terminate with return code (Return code = '0')
2018-12-25T11:54:33.491680011Z 77 PC: 13856 | Get program return code