Sample viewer




Time Syscall Op Syscall Name
2018-12-17T22:33:25.709844106Z 42 PC: 151b6 | Get date 0x151b6: cmp dl, 2
0x151b9: jne 0x15226
0x151bb: pushaw
0x151bc: pushaw
0x151bd: mov cx, 0x40
0x151c0: mov ax, cx
0x151c2: out 0x70, ax
0x151c4: mov al, 0
0x151c6: out 0x71, al
0x151c8: loop 0x151c0
0x151ca: mov ax, 0x600
0x151cd: mov cx, 0
0x151d0: mov dl, 0x4f
0x151d2: mov dh, 0x18
0x151d4: mov bh, 7
0x151d6: int 0x10
0x151d8: popaw
0x151d9: mov di, 1
0x151dc: mov ch, 2
0x151de: mov bp, 0
2018-12-17T22:33:25.713382462Z 44 PC: 1522a | Get time 0x1522a: add si, 0x66
0x1522d: mov byte ptr [si + 0x57], dl
0x15230: cld
0x15231: mov dx, si
0x15233: mov di, si
0x15235: add di, 0x10
0x15238: mov cx, 0xc8
0x1523b: mov al, byte ptr [di]
0x1523d: sub al, 0x12
0x1523f: mov byte ptr [di], al
0x15241: add di, 1
0x15244: loop 0x1523b
0x15246: mov dx, si
0x15248: add si, 0xa
0x1524b: mov di, 0x100
0x1524e: mov cx, 3
0x15251: rep movsb byte ptr es:[di], byte ptr [si]
0x15253: mov si, dx
0x15255: push es
0x15256: mov ah, 0x2f
2018-12-17T22:33:25.716926787Z 47 PC: 1525a | Get disk transfer address
2018-12-17T22:33:25.718734236Z 26 PC: 15269 | Set disk transfer address
2018-12-17T22:33:25.720630849Z 78 PC: 152f1 | Find first file
2018-12-17T22:33:25.728383565Z 67 PC: 1532a | Get or set file attributes
2018-12-17T22:33:25.734839195Z 67 PC: 1533a | Get or set file attributes
2018-12-17T22:33:25.753647181Z 61 PC: 15344 | Open file (Filename = 'SLEEP.COM')
2018-12-17T22:33:25.763009349Z 87 PC: 15350 | Get or set file date and time
2018-12-17T22:33:25.767485903Z 63 PC: 15375 | Read file or device (Read 3 bytes on handle 5)
2018-12-17T22:33:25.775495357Z 66 PC: 15387 | Move file pointer
2018-12-17T22:33:25.778630503Z 64 PC: 153c7 | Write file or device (Write 1017 bytes on handle 5)
2018-12-17T22:33:25.788737136Z 66 PC: 153de | Move file pointer
2018-12-17T22:33:25.790670376Z 64 PC: 153ec | Write file or device (Write 3 bytes on handle 5)
2018-12-17T22:33:25.799015943Z 87 PC: 15402 | Get or set file date and time
2018-12-17T22:33:25.801759314Z 62 PC: 15406 | Close file
2018-12-17T22:33:25.810905251Z 67 PC: 15413 | Get or set file attributes
2018-12-17T22:33:25.816681121Z 26 PC: 1541d | Set disk transfer address
2018-12-17T22:33:25.818147475Z 9 PC: 12a51 | Display string (String= 'This is a sample! (10.000 bytes)')
2018-12-17T22:33:25.820831523Z 76 PC: 12a56 | Terminate with return code (Return code = '0')





Time Syscall Op Syscall Name
2018-12-25T11:58:11.149712787Z 42 PC: 151b6 | Get date 0x151b6: cmp dl, 2
0x151b9: jne 0x15226
0x151bb: pushaw
0x151bc: pushaw
0x151bd: mov cx, 0x40
0x151c0: mov ax, cx
0x151c2: out 0x70, ax
0x151c4: mov al, 0
0x151c6: out 0x71, al
0x151c8: loop 0x151c0
0x151ca: mov ax, 0x600
0x151cd: mov cx, 0
0x151d0: mov dl, 0x4f
0x151d2: mov dh, 0x18
0x151d4: mov bh, 7
0x151d6: int 0x10
0x151d8: popaw
0x151d9: mov di, 1
0x151dc: mov ch, 2
0x151de: mov bp, 0
2018-12-25T11:58:11.153161689Z 44 PC: 1522a | Get time 0x1522a: add si, 0x66
0x1522d: mov byte ptr [si + 0x57], dl
0x15230: cld
0x15231: mov dx, si
0x15233: mov di, si
0x15235: add di, 0x10
0x15238: mov cx, 0xc8
0x1523b: mov al, byte ptr [di]
0x1523d: sub al, 0x12
0x1523f: mov byte ptr [di], al
0x15241: add di, 1
0x15244: loop 0x1523b
0x15246: mov dx, si
0x15248: add si, 0xa
0x1524b: mov di, 0x100
0x1524e: mov cx, 3
0x15251: rep movsb byte ptr es:[di], byte ptr [si]
0x15253: mov si, dx
0x15255: push es
0x15256: mov ah, 0x2f
2018-12-25T11:58:11.157478897Z 47 PC: 1525a | Get disk transfer address
2018-12-25T11:58:11.159223448Z 26 PC: 15269 | Set disk transfer address
2018-12-25T11:58:11.161378403Z 78 PC: 152f1 | Find first file
2018-12-25T11:58:11.170472143Z 67 PC: 1532a | Get or set file attributes
2018-12-25T11:58:11.177248497Z 67 PC: 1533a | Get or set file attributes
2018-12-25T11:58:11.2035966Z 61 PC: 15344 | Open file (Filename = 'SLEEP.COM')
2018-12-25T11:58:11.211892347Z 87 PC: 15350 | Get or set file date and time
2018-12-25T11:58:11.215892652Z 63 PC: 15375 | Read file or device (Read 3 bytes on handle 5)
2018-12-25T11:58:11.224162953Z 66 PC: 15387 | Move file pointer
2018-12-25T11:58:11.226939153Z 64 PC: 153c7 | Write file or device (Write 1025 bytes on handle 5)
2018-12-25T11:58:11.238537304Z 66 PC: 153de | Move file pointer
2018-12-25T11:58:11.240751245Z 64 PC: 153ec | Write file or device (Write 3 bytes on handle 5)
2018-12-25T11:58:11.25076524Z 87 PC: 15402 | Get or set file date and time
2018-12-25T11:58:11.253318791Z 62 PC: 15406 | Close file
2018-12-25T11:58:11.262902597Z 67 PC: 15413 | Get or set file attributes
2018-12-25T11:58:11.26832089Z 26 PC: 1541d | Set disk transfer address
2018-12-25T11:58:11.271333024Z 9 PC: 12a51 | Display string (String= 'This is a sample! (10.000 bytes)')
2018-12-25T11:58:11.274283214Z 76 PC: 12a56 | Terminate with return code (Return code = '0')





Time Syscall Op Syscall Name
2018-12-25T11:58:11.393152392Z 42 PC: 151b6 | Get date 0x151b6: cmp dl, 2
0x151b9: jne 0x15226
0x151bb: pushaw
0x151bc: pushaw
0x151bd: mov cx, 0x40
0x151c0: mov ax, cx
0x151c2: out 0x70, ax
0x151c4: mov al, 0
0x151c6: out 0x71, al
0x151c8: loop 0x151c0
0x151ca: mov ax, 0x600
0x151cd: mov cx, 0
0x151d0: mov dl, 0x4f
0x151d2: mov dh, 0x18
0x151d4: mov bh, 7
0x151d6: int 0x10
0x151d8: popaw
0x151d9: mov di, 1
0x151dc: mov ch, 2
0x151de: mov bp, 0
2018-12-25T11:58:11.740766332Z 76 PC: 15226 | Terminate with return code (Return code = '0')