Sample viewer




Time Syscall Op Syscall Name
2018-12-17T22:46:21.002727676Z 42 PC: 13b0a | Get date 0x13b0a: cmp dl, 7
0x13b0d: je 0x13b12
0x13b0f: jmp 0x13c7b
0x13b12: mov ah, 0x2c
0x13b14: int 0x21
0x13b16: cmp cl, 0x14
0x13b19: jg 0x13b1e
0x13b1b: jmp 0x13c7b
0x13b1e: jmp 0x13c0a
0x13b21: or cl, byte ptr [di]
0x13b23: or cl, byte ptr [di]
0x13b25: or cl, byte ptr [di]
0x13b27: or cl, byte ptr [di]
0x13b29: or cl, byte ptr [di]
0x13b2b: or cl, byte ptr [di]
0x13b2d: and byte ptr [bx + 0x65], dl
0x13b30: insb byte ptr es:[di], dx
0x13b31: insb byte ptr es:[di], dx
0x13b32: sub al, 0x20
0x13b34: je 0x13b9e
2018-12-17T22:46:21.005315236Z 94 PC: 12e0e | Network functions
2018-12-17T22:46:21.007068301Z 88 PC: 12e35 | case 0xGet or set allocation strateg:
2018-12-17T22:46:21.00860175Z 88 PC: 12e3f | case 0xGet or set allocation strateg:
2018-12-17T22:46:21.010130325Z 88 PC: 12e4c | case 0xGet or set allocation strateg:
2018-12-17T22:46:21.01165178Z 88 PC: 12e54 | case 0xGet or set allocation strateg:
2018-12-17T22:46:21.013538912Z 88 PC: 12ef9 | case 0xGet or set allocation strateg:
2018-12-17T22:46:21.015212088Z 88 PC: 12f05 | case 0xGet or set allocation strateg:
2018-12-17T22:46:21.01658921Z 74 PC: 12f1e | Reallocate memory
2018-12-17T22:46:21.018090289Z 74 PC: 12f2c | Reallocate memory
2018-12-17T22:46:21.020332037Z 25 PC: 12fd0 | Get default drive
2018-12-17T22:46:21.022301881Z 76 PC: 130f5 | Terminate with return code (Return code = '0')





Time Syscall Op Syscall Name
2018-12-25T12:22:06.085248117Z 42 PC: 13b0a | Get date 0x13b0a: cmp dl, 7
0x13b0d: je 0x13b12
0x13b0f: jmp 0x13c7b
0x13b12: mov ah, 0x2c
0x13b14: int 0x21
0x13b16: cmp cl, 0x14
0x13b19: jg 0x13b1e
0x13b1b: jmp 0x13c7b
0x13b1e: jmp 0x13c0a
0x13b21: or cl, byte ptr [di]
0x13b23: or cl, byte ptr [di]
0x13b25: or cl, byte ptr [di]
0x13b27: or cl, byte ptr [di]
0x13b29: or cl, byte ptr [di]
0x13b2b: or cl, byte ptr [di]
0x13b2d: and byte ptr [bx + 0x65], dl
0x13b30: insb byte ptr es:[di], dx
0x13b31: insb byte ptr es:[di], dx
0x13b32: sub al, 0x20
0x13b34: je 0x13b9e
2018-12-25T12:22:06.099632247Z 44 PC: 13b16 | Get time 0x13b16: cmp cl, 0x14
0x13b19: jg 0x13b1e
0x13b1b: jmp 0x13c7b
0x13b1e: jmp 0x13c0a
0x13b21: or cl, byte ptr [di]
0x13b23: or cl, byte ptr [di]
0x13b25: or cl, byte ptr [di]
0x13b27: or cl, byte ptr [di]
0x13b29: or cl, byte ptr [di]
0x13b2b: or cl, byte ptr [di]
0x13b2d: and byte ptr [bx + 0x65], dl
0x13b30: insb byte ptr es:[di], dx
0x13b31: insb byte ptr es:[di], dx
0x13b32: sub al, 0x20
0x13b34: je 0x13b9e
0x13b36: imul si, word ptr [bp + di + 0x20], 0x756a
0x13b3b: jae 0x13bb1
0x13b3d: and byte ptr [bx + di + 0x69], ah
0x13b40: outsb dx, byte ptr [si]
0x13b41: daa
2018-12-25T12:22:06.109694317Z 9 PC: 13c4a | Display string (String= ' Well, this just ain't your lucky day ! You are blessed with WHIPLASH V.2.0. Beta release Variant A written and compiled in Bucharest, Romania by Lord Julus (c) ')





Time Syscall Op Syscall Name
2018-12-25T12:22:06.31838685Z 42 PC: 13b0a | Get date 0x13b0a: cmp dl, 7
0x13b0d: je 0x13b12
0x13b0f: jmp 0x13c7b
0x13b12: mov ah, 0x2c
0x13b14: int 0x21
0x13b16: cmp cl, 0x14
0x13b19: jg 0x13b1e
0x13b1b: jmp 0x13c7b
0x13b1e: jmp 0x13c0a
0x13b21: or cl, byte ptr [di]
0x13b23: or cl, byte ptr [di]
0x13b25: or cl, byte ptr [di]
0x13b27: or cl, byte ptr [di]
0x13b29: or cl, byte ptr [di]
0x13b2b: or cl, byte ptr [di]
0x13b2d: and byte ptr [bx + 0x65], dl
0x13b30: insb byte ptr es:[di], dx
0x13b31: insb byte ptr es:[di], dx
0x13b32: sub al, 0x20
0x13b34: je 0x13b9e
2018-12-25T12:22:06.320791163Z 94 PC: 12e0e | Network functions
2018-12-25T12:22:06.321666177Z 88 PC: 12e35 | case 0xGet or set allocation strateg:
2018-12-25T12:22:06.322531103Z 88 PC: 12e3f | case 0xGet or set allocation strateg:
2018-12-25T12:22:06.324039621Z 88 PC: 12e4c | case 0xGet or set allocation strateg:
2018-12-25T12:22:06.325117077Z 88 PC: 12e54 | case 0xGet or set allocation strateg:
2018-12-25T12:22:06.326656933Z 88 PC: 12ef9 | case 0xGet or set allocation strateg:
2018-12-25T12:22:06.328023101Z 88 PC: 12f05 | case 0xGet or set allocation strateg:
2018-12-25T12:22:06.329363867Z 74 PC: 12f1e | Reallocate memory
2018-12-25T12:22:06.331154715Z 74 PC: 12f2c | Reallocate memory
2018-12-25T12:22:06.332856828Z 25 PC: 12fd0 | Get default drive
2018-12-25T12:22:06.3346155Z 76 PC: 130f5 | Terminate with return code (Return code = '0')